2005-07-09 06:39:42 UTC
I am responding to question and comments from jason, Chuck and Loopy.
It has taken me many hours just to research enough to post this post
and I still haven't gathered all the information I intended to gather.
I hope you find it helpful.
Well then, if you can't show any CIA connection to control the minds of
the student/reader, what exactly are you claiming? As far as I can see
you present a suspicion that the CIA was involved in experiments, but
you can't describe these experiments nor can you show these
"experiments," had anything remotely to do with A Course in Miracles.
Through the reasearch I have done, I might have some different ideas as
to how and why Helen and her handlers came up with ACIM.
First of all, I do not believe that the CIA instigated the writing
for the purpose of controlling ACIMite's believers' minds, rather they
more interested in gaining the knowledge of how they could split a
mind so that they would develop multiple personalities. After that,
wanted to know how to control the multiple personalities for reason's
related to national security and espionage.
The fact that she and Thetford may have believed the multiple
personality(Jesus) may be due to the obvious fact that ACIM seems
to be not only influenced by Thetford's Christian Science beliefs, but
also Helen's talents. One talent may have been the ability to write
in iambic pentameter, possibly derived from her love of Shakespeare's
When you combine the intelligence of not only Helen and Thetford
but many of their educated collegues and research projecta that they
learned from, it is not surprising that ACIM could impress pea brains
that were not awareof their involvement with CIA contractors, and the
type of research that could lead to the writing of a religious
such as ACIM.
Helen, may have just been a guinea pig or an unknowing victim, but
I find it odd that Jesus chose a woman that would spend her latter
days in a very dark depressive mentally ill state. Where was the
Happy Dream when she needed it? With all the first hand knowledge
that she had of the superior teachings of Jesus, she was certainly
left holding a rotten egg that was of no use to her.
excerpt from.....
The idea may have originated with Estabrooks but he may not have been
the first to actually publish it as such. Writing in "The
Review" of 1947, Major Harvey Leavitt of the U.S. Army Medical Corps
described the hypnotic creation of a secondary personality,
"... hypnotically induced automatic writing was established early in
the course of treatment as a means of expeditiously gaining access to
unconscious material. After this procedure as utilized for a time, a
hypnotic secondary personality was produced by suggesting that the
writing was under control of a certain part of his personality unaware
to him.
" Leavitt then said that he created another personality in direct
contrast to
the one already established so he could work the two created
off against one another. He concluded, "... regardless of whether the
production of multiple personalities by means of hypnosis could be
as additional proof that hypnosis is an artificially induced hysteria
or whether
the multiple personalities were artificial entities resulting from
suggestions ... there exists a close relationship with personalities
spontaneously arising in hysterical dissociation. The importance of
multiple personalities experimentally lies in the fact that certain
of the original personality may be isolated which manifest a minimum of
censorship influences and thus may serve as helpful ajuncts in hypno-
I think that it may be possible that Helen was either a knowing
or an unknowing victim, or that she and Thetford were people who
to believe their own self created crapola.
Since much of Helen and Thetford's research was related to PAS
(Personality Assessment Sytem) created by Gittinger who is a confirmed
CIA contractor, it is important to know who he is and what he did....
Up until this point, most people have just thought
that Thetford was involved with the research done
by the CIA, but this list clearly shows that Helen
participated in research as well.
Also if you will read carefully, you will see that some of Helen's
and Thetford's is funded by Human Ecology.
Schucman, H. (1964, Sept.). Personality features and adaption
with somatic reactions to stress. In W. N. Therford (Chm.), Human
Studies in social and personality adaption. Symposium presented at
meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Human Ecology is the Code name of MKULTRA's and CIA program
that funded the research. There is no question that Gittinger worked
for the CIA for 26 years and there is no question that the Human
Fund funded some of Schucman and Thetford's research.
Here are the senate hearing that prove that Gittinger was a CIA agent,
Humman Ecology was the name of the MKULTA program funded by
the CIA...
Gittinger's research on creating alters
and multiple personalities.Gittinger tested schizophrenics in
his early research and when the CIA hired him, he already
knew much(PAS) and continued his work, paid by the CIA.
The Joint Committe testimony and supporting documentation gives us
part of the purpose of these experiments was to develop, test, and
evaluate capabilities and techniques for producing predictable human
behavioral and/or physiological changes. The Select Committee report
tells us that "The research and development of materials to be used for
altering human behavior consisted of three phases: first, the search
for materials suitable for study; second, laboratory testing on
voluntary human subjects in various types of institutions; third, the
application of MKULTRA materials in normal life settings.
This leads me to wonder whether ACIM is the application of
MKULTRA material in normal life settings. I don't know that it has
worked to
CREATE dissassociative personalities that can be manipulated as
much as it has attracted people with personalities that can easily
disassociate themselves from reality.
Thetford worked on many projects funded by the CIA(Human Ecology)
and that were directly related to Gittinger's work(PAS) and Helen
also worked on a few projects funded by the CIA.
Thetford, W. N. (1961). Measurement of personality traits resulting
from the
interaction of abilities and environment: I. Theoretical formulation
the research. New York: Human Ecology Fund. (APA, N.Y.)
Thetford, W. N. (Chm.). (1964, Sept.). Human ecology: Studies in
social and
personality adaptation. Symposium presented at the meeting of the
Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Thetford, W. N., & Schucman, H. (1962). The personality theory of John
New York: Human Ecology Fund.
The reason that we may not know of the research that they may have been
doing during the writing of ACIM is because the Human Ecology Fund was
transfered to another name after 1962.
There is so much more information that casts more than a heavy shadow
a doubt as to whether Helen really channeled Jesus. The information is
too enormous to research. It takes a lot of concentration and the
put events in chronological order to link people such as Gittinger,
Saunders, Spiegel and others to Thetford and Schucman but the
information is available. Thetford and Schucman had more than enough
research to know consciously or unconsciously how to create a multiple
personality, manipulate people to believe ideas that are beyond the
person's comphrehension and education.
And all anyone has to do to further manipulate and/or control a
religious person is agree or pretend to agree with what they
doctrines) and convince them that you are working for the good of
'whatever', according to what they believe. One more religious belief
like ACIM would not tip the applecart in favor of mind control through
religion, as there are plenty of religious ideas to choose from that
more followers. If ACIM had not been created, people with flaws in
reasoning ability would have found something else to believe to suit
gulliblity and need to think they are instructed by an invisible
We only have to look at President Bush's campaign to see that
is true. God Bless America approach played and plays a huge role in
getting people to agree with many things that Bush has done that might
otherwise been disagreed with.
No, I do not believe that ACIM was created by the CIA as a mind control
program for the masses, but rather was a by product of Thetford and
Schucman's combined research and education. They just may have got
hooked on their own crapola.
It has taken me many hours just to research enough to post this post
and I still haven't gathered all the information I intended to gather.
I hope you find it helpful.
Well then, if you can't show any CIA connection to control the minds of
the student/reader, what exactly are you claiming? As far as I can see
you present a suspicion that the CIA was involved in experiments, but
you can't describe these experiments nor can you show these
"experiments," had anything remotely to do with A Course in Miracles.
Through the reasearch I have done, I might have some different ideas as
to how and why Helen and her handlers came up with ACIM.
First of all, I do not believe that the CIA instigated the writing
for the purpose of controlling ACIMite's believers' minds, rather they
more interested in gaining the knowledge of how they could split a
mind so that they would develop multiple personalities. After that,
wanted to know how to control the multiple personalities for reason's
related to national security and espionage.
The fact that she and Thetford may have believed the multiple
personality(Jesus) may be due to the obvious fact that ACIM seems
to be not only influenced by Thetford's Christian Science beliefs, but
also Helen's talents. One talent may have been the ability to write
in iambic pentameter, possibly derived from her love of Shakespeare's
When you combine the intelligence of not only Helen and Thetford
but many of their educated collegues and research projecta that they
learned from, it is not surprising that ACIM could impress pea brains
that were not awareof their involvement with CIA contractors, and the
type of research that could lead to the writing of a religious
such as ACIM.
Helen, may have just been a guinea pig or an unknowing victim, but
I find it odd that Jesus chose a woman that would spend her latter
days in a very dark depressive mentally ill state. Where was the
Happy Dream when she needed it? With all the first hand knowledge
that she had of the superior teachings of Jesus, she was certainly
left holding a rotten egg that was of no use to her.
excerpt from.....
The idea may have originated with Estabrooks but he may not have been
the first to actually publish it as such. Writing in "The
Review" of 1947, Major Harvey Leavitt of the U.S. Army Medical Corps
described the hypnotic creation of a secondary personality,
"... hypnotically induced automatic writing was established early in
the course of treatment as a means of expeditiously gaining access to
unconscious material. After this procedure as utilized for a time, a
hypnotic secondary personality was produced by suggesting that the
writing was under control of a certain part of his personality unaware
to him.
" Leavitt then said that he created another personality in direct
contrast to
the one already established so he could work the two created
off against one another. He concluded, "... regardless of whether the
production of multiple personalities by means of hypnosis could be
as additional proof that hypnosis is an artificially induced hysteria
or whether
the multiple personalities were artificial entities resulting from
suggestions ... there exists a close relationship with personalities
spontaneously arising in hysterical dissociation. The importance of
multiple personalities experimentally lies in the fact that certain
of the original personality may be isolated which manifest a minimum of
censorship influences and thus may serve as helpful ajuncts in hypno-
I think that it may be possible that Helen was either a knowing
or an unknowing victim, or that she and Thetford were people who
to believe their own self created crapola.
Since much of Helen and Thetford's research was related to PAS
(Personality Assessment Sytem) created by Gittinger who is a confirmed
CIA contractor, it is important to know who he is and what he did....
Up until this point, most people have just thought
that Thetford was involved with the research done
by the CIA, but this list clearly shows that Helen
participated in research as well.
Also if you will read carefully, you will see that some of Helen's
and Thetford's is funded by Human Ecology.
Schucman, H. (1964, Sept.). Personality features and adaption
with somatic reactions to stress. In W. N. Therford (Chm.), Human
Studies in social and personality adaption. Symposium presented at
meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Human Ecology is the Code name of MKULTRA's and CIA program
that funded the research. There is no question that Gittinger worked
for the CIA for 26 years and there is no question that the Human
Fund funded some of Schucman and Thetford's research.
Here are the senate hearing that prove that Gittinger was a CIA agent,
Humman Ecology was the name of the MKULTA program funded by
the CIA...
Gittinger's research on creating alters
and multiple personalities.Gittinger tested schizophrenics in
his early research and when the CIA hired him, he already
knew much(PAS) and continued his work, paid by the CIA.
The Joint Committe testimony and supporting documentation gives us
part of the purpose of these experiments was to develop, test, and
evaluate capabilities and techniques for producing predictable human
behavioral and/or physiological changes. The Select Committee report
tells us that "The research and development of materials to be used for
altering human behavior consisted of three phases: first, the search
for materials suitable for study; second, laboratory testing on
voluntary human subjects in various types of institutions; third, the
application of MKULTRA materials in normal life settings.
This leads me to wonder whether ACIM is the application of
MKULTRA material in normal life settings. I don't know that it has
worked to
CREATE dissassociative personalities that can be manipulated as
much as it has attracted people with personalities that can easily
disassociate themselves from reality.
Thetford worked on many projects funded by the CIA(Human Ecology)
and that were directly related to Gittinger's work(PAS) and Helen
also worked on a few projects funded by the CIA.
Thetford, W. N. (1961). Measurement of personality traits resulting
from the
interaction of abilities and environment: I. Theoretical formulation
the research. New York: Human Ecology Fund. (APA, N.Y.)
Thetford, W. N. (Chm.). (1964, Sept.). Human ecology: Studies in
social and
personality adaptation. Symposium presented at the meeting of the
Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Thetford, W. N., & Schucman, H. (1962). The personality theory of John
New York: Human Ecology Fund.
The reason that we may not know of the research that they may have been
doing during the writing of ACIM is because the Human Ecology Fund was
transfered to another name after 1962.
There is so much more information that casts more than a heavy shadow
a doubt as to whether Helen really channeled Jesus. The information is
too enormous to research. It takes a lot of concentration and the
put events in chronological order to link people such as Gittinger,
Saunders, Spiegel and others to Thetford and Schucman but the
information is available. Thetford and Schucman had more than enough
research to know consciously or unconsciously how to create a multiple
personality, manipulate people to believe ideas that are beyond the
person's comphrehension and education.
And all anyone has to do to further manipulate and/or control a
religious person is agree or pretend to agree with what they
doctrines) and convince them that you are working for the good of
'whatever', according to what they believe. One more religious belief
like ACIM would not tip the applecart in favor of mind control through
religion, as there are plenty of religious ideas to choose from that
more followers. If ACIM had not been created, people with flaws in
reasoning ability would have found something else to believe to suit
gulliblity and need to think they are instructed by an invisible
We only have to look at President Bush's campaign to see that
is true. God Bless America approach played and plays a huge role in
getting people to agree with many things that Bush has done that might
otherwise been disagreed with.
No, I do not believe that ACIM was created by the CIA as a mind control
program for the masses, but rather was a by product of Thetford and
Schucman's combined research and education. They just may have got
hooked on their own crapola.