Journey Beyond Words
(too old to reply)
2011-01-12 14:26:46 UTC
Journey Beyond Words

by Brent Haskell, PhD.D.O. 1994


Greetings. I am Jeshua. I have come to discuss with you

A Course in Miracles.

Even as you begin,

Be aware that it is possible

For you to be misled by its name

In your world,

When you hear the word "course," you think of learning.

But you are not here to learn.

You are here to experience.

And you will find, with great joy,

That there is a dramatic difference between the two.

Learning is nothing more

Than a process undertaken by your brain.

But experience goes beyond the "learning" of your brain.

It goes beyond your thinking, beyond your analyzing,

To the very core of your being,

Wherein lies the true nature of what you are,

Which is the Son of God.

Hear me well.

If you undertake this Course

As an exercise in academic learning,

As the study of ideas to be mastered,

You will fail.

And in your failing, you will miss this Course,

And its miracles,


Your entry into this Course is your choice

To experience,

To live,

And to become.


The purpose of this Course is absolute peace.

Within peace there is the total absence of conflict.

Within peace there is never doubt, only total certainty.

Within peace there is never questioning.

Because there is never questioning, there is never fear.

And because there is never fear,

There is only room for love.

Love is freedom. Nothing more.

To the extent that you allow freedom to your brother,

You shall receive, in the exact same measure, freedom,

Which is love.

If you, in your thinking, would restrict your brother,

Thus to deny him freedom, thus to deny him love,

Then you must deny yourself that selfsame freedom and love.

In the absence of your freedom,

In the absence of love,

You will experience conflict, .

And you will not be at peace.

Again, I tell you,

This Course is nothing more than a pathway

Which shall lead you to the experience of total peace.

Such peace is not something you can think about,

Nor something you can debate.

Indeed, if you ever find yourself wondering

Whether you are at peace,

I promise you,

You are not.

As you approach the daily lessons,

The first two-thirds, as I have told you,

Are for the purpose of breaking down, if you will,

The ghosts you bring with you.

These ghosts, beloved masters of your lives,

Are the thinking, the concepts, the thoughts,

The patterns of behavior,

Generated from within your mind,

Which imprison you in this world of illusion,

And keep you from the peace of which I speak.

So bear in mind,

We are not trying to take anything away from you,

Rather to help you dissolve barriers,

Barriers to the state of peace.

As we help you to break down these walls,

You will realize, first in thoughts,

But then, and this is the essence,

You shall EXPERIENCE the truth we bring.

You will experience it with knowing and certainty

At the deepest level of your being, :

\Far beyond the thoughts themselves.

In the knowing, in the certainty, in the experiencing,
barriers will truly dissolve. ,
And you shall be free.

You are here to learn to live,

Not to learn to think.

Indeed, you will discover with great rejoicing

That your thinking, in great measure,

Is what keeps you from being truly alive.

Ponder for a moment your idea of anything.

That idea, that thought, is but an interpretation.

It is a choice you make,

A choice which defines for you

That which you seem to be experiencing.

I have come to tell you, and hear this well,

That what you perceive, what you interpret,

Which is based upon your thoughts,

Has nothing whatsoever to do with reality.

This is a description of the major barrier

Which separates you from your peace.

In order for you to have a thought about something,

It is absolutely essential

That the thought be preceded by an experience.

Without the experience itself, the thought could not be born.

So it is that your thoughts are always interpretations,

Based not upon this moment,

But upon experiences you have had in what you call the past.

Love is freedom.

Recall those words.

Say them over and over and over again,

Until the day comes

When you shall experience them as your reality.

Every thought, every opinion,

Every interpretation which enters your mind

Is based upon what you perceive as the past.

Therefore, when you perceive anything,

What you are doing is saying,

"I am choosing to demand, insofar as I am able,

That this entity, this aspect of Creation,

Which by its nature exists in a state of freedom—

I am choosing to demand that this being


For when you, in your thinking,

Choose to interpret, based upon the past,

What another being IS,

And then believe that interpretation to be reality,

You have made yourself the enemy of that being's freedom.

For you are saying,

"I choose to demand, for my purposes,

That you be as you WERE,

Indeed, not even as you were, but as I PERCEIVED you were.

And now, this moment, you do not exist.

For you are, I tell you, what you WERE."

Do you see that this is the absence of love,

And the absence of freedom?

And if you wanted to be vicious,

You could even call it hatred.

Hear me well.

When you form an opinion of any aspect of Creation,


It is but your wish to rob the universe, and yourself,

Of freedom, and therefore, of love.

Thus A Course in Miracles says, "I see only the past." (L 7)

And, "I am never upset for the reason I think." (L 5)

Deep within you there is total peace.

There is the absence of conflict.

There is a wellspring of complete freedom, which is love,

And which must be synonymous with vibrant joy.

That is your right, that is your inheritance,

As the Son of God.

And nothing can take it away from you.

In your thinking,

You can choose to imagine that you do not have it.

Which is exactly what you have done.

Thus the purpose of all the initial lessons

Is to help you to experience the realization

That the absence of peace,

The presence of conflict,

The absence of love,

The absence of freedom,

All stem only from your imagination,

And ultimately, from your thinking,

Which must be of the past,

And which is your desire to deny freedom

To the entire universe, and to yourself.

You have come into this world, onto this earth,

To imagine what it would be like to live in a state of separation.

But deep within you is the knowing

That you are not separate from any aspect of Creation,

And can never be.

So at the deepest level of your truth,

You realize that your goal must be to overcome

That which you have come here to experience.

And that you SHALL do.

The doing shall require of you

That you be willing to challenge every value,

Every thought, every notion which you hold.

Do not fear. Rather rejoice.

For your willingness shall be the doorway

That opens unto love, and joy, and freedom.

I tell you, as you open your being to this Course in Miracles,

The barriers will dissolve,

And the world will take on new meaning.

Your life will blossom, and grow,

And expand into an eternity of immense joy,

Into a world of light,

And into an unfathomable beauty of which I cannot speak.

For truly, your minds cannot comprehend

The measure of that which is your right,

And your inheritance,

As the Son of God.

Blessings upon you all. That is all.
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-12 14:36:52 UTC
Post by Carrie
Journey Beyond Words
by Brent Haskell, PhD.D.O. 1994
Greetings. I am Jeshua. I have come to discuss with you
A Course in Miracles.
Even as you begin,
Be aware that it is possible
For you to be misled by its name
In your world,
When you hear the word "course," you think of learning.
But you are not here to learn.
You are here to experience.
And you will find, with great joy,
That there is a dramatic difference between the two.
I'm sure his eyes are brown. They have to be. Because
he is full of shit to his eyeballs.
How typical of an ACIM document to begin with idiotic
doublespeak. Would-be gurus just love to be vague. By
making the Truth seem to be difficult to express and
understand, they seek to create dependencies.

A real teacher seeks to bring others up to their level.

Gurus/Priests can't do that because they don't have
anything worth sharing.

No, there is no need to read the rest of this. If
the introduction to a book is garbage, the book
is garbage.


Carrie? If you hope to make any progress before
you die this time around, you better learn to send
these woo-woo merchants packing.

Read "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane

Use ACIM documents for toilet paper. This is
their highest and best use.

I am a Magickal Being
My Second Spell is Innocence
usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
2011-01-12 18:29:21 UTC
On Jan 12, 6:36 am, Sidney Lambe <***@somewhere.invalid>

A real teacher seeks to bring others up to their level.

I would say a real teacher shares their hope, strength and experiences
and has faith that others are all ready up to their level and

It would be insanity IMO to believe, share and act like, I'm so much
smarter and Godlike that I should share my wisdom so the minions that
don't know what I know can learn. This would only increase conflict
IMO and that alone shows it's insanity to me.
2011-01-12 19:33:32 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
A real teacher seeks to bring others up to their level.
I would say a real teacher shares their hope, strength and experiences
and has faith that others are all ready up to their level and
It would be insanity IMO to believe, share and act like, I'm so much
smarter and Godlike that I should share my wisdom so the minions that
don't know what I know can learn. This would only increase conflict
IMO and that alone shows it's insanity to me.
I think it depends on what someone wants (from the sharing).
Not everyone wants to uplift, share and teach, in a positive way.
Which is their choice, of course.
2011-01-12 19:38:56 UTC
Post by Sidney Lambe
Read "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane
I have this book (and read it at one point, I got it out and see I even
underlined passages I felt were especially good) I also have 3 other Seth
books, from years ago. If you would like to discuss what these books teach,
or post quotes, etc. that would be good. Not too long ago, I was on a Seth
group online, but left. It seemed like everyone was always arguing over
something, like who was right/wrong and what Seth "really meant" and who was
following it and who wasn't. And what kind of a person someone else wasy (on
the group, which was only just words on their computer screen to judge by)
Do you have any actual quotes from the Seth book(s) that say we can't, and
shouldn't try and be joyful? Or that peace of mind isn't a goal to aim for,
and get back to when we realize we are off center about something?
Though I have seen You Tubes of Jane channeling Seth and she doesn't seem
especially joyful or peaceful...
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-12 20:15:06 UTC
On talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by Carrie
Read "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts. Sid
I have this book (and read it at one point, I got it out and
see I even underlined passages I felt were especially good)
I also have 3 other Seth books, from years ago. If you would
like to discuss what these books teach, or post quotes, etc.
that would be good.
That's good news.
Post by Carrie
Not too long ago, I was on a Seth group
online, but left. It seemed like everyone was always arguing
over something, like who was right/wrong and what Seth "really
meant" and who was following it and who wasn't. And what kind
of a person someone else wasy (on the group, which was only
just words on their computer screen to judge by)
:-) I've tried a few of those forums, too, so I know what you

They all discuss what I would call "Seth Material Lite". It's
a watered down, airy-fairy version of the Seth Material.

And they are all into worshipping Jane Roberts and Seth
and Robert Butts, to one degree or another. Even though
Seth very clearly said that worship is for losers and
that only the Seth Material counted.
Post by Carrie
Do you have any actual quotes from the Seth book(s) that say we
can't, and shouldn't try and be joyful?
I didn't say that! (or didn't mean to) I just said you can't be
blissfully happy all the time. It rains sometimes. We all have
tragedies and disappointments in our lives and need to cry about

Doesn't mean you can't have inner peace. Accepting all of
the emotions are a part of that inner peace.

Denying what you feel is a sure way to ruin your inner peace.
And no one has all "positive" emotions.

Accepting your emotions is accepting your beliefs and that's
the real key to happiness: knowing and changing your beliefs.
Post by Carrie
Or that peace of mind isn't
a goal to aim for, and get back to when we realize we are off
center about something? Though I have seen You Tubes of Jane
channeling Seth and she doesn't seem especially joyful or
Jane was just a messenger. She ignored most of Seth's personal
advice to her, and his teachings, from the beginning. She was a
compulsive writer with little time for anything else.

You wouldn't turn down a book on fitness because the mail
delivery person was a fat slob, would you?

I am a Magickal Being
My Second Spell is Innocence
usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
2011-01-12 14:59:04 UTC
I have this book. Also have it on audio. Looking for it as a searchable
file. Also "The Other Voice" which is another book by Haskell.
I have the Introduction to it in text because I once copied it.
I also have copied a passage from it I always liked:

Then, the Light to which we refer

Is the state of being that is your reality.

It is a state of being which is unfettered, totally free, unbound.

When you live in that state, which you CAN do

On this earth

You will extend freedom and joy,

And peace, and absolute safety

To all beings.

All beings who come into your presence

Will know that in your presence, they are free.

They are free to be

Whatever it is they might be, or think, or feel,

Without judgment, without attack, and without disdainment.

They will know, in the absence of any attack from you,

That they can be at peace with whatever it is they would feel

And they will then know they are safe.

In the Light you extend to them

You must receive that selfsame Light in return.

You will, likewise, receive that same peace,

That same blessing that same freedom,

And that same knowledge that you are absolutely safe.

Journey Beyond Words pg. 105
Sidney Lambe
2011-01-12 15:19:26 UTC
Post by Carrie
I have this book. Also have it on audio. Looking for it as a searchable
file. Also "The Other Voice" which is another book by Haskell.
I have the Introduction to it in text because I once copied it.
Then, the Light to which we refer
Is the state of being that is your reality.
It is a state of being which is unfettered, totally free, unbound.
When you live in that state, which you CAN do
On this earth
Talk about fluffy-bunny airhead new-age sew-age!

This is just more of the spiritually poisonous disguised nihilism
that is so common among these pathetic woo-woo merchants.

You can't transcend life and live life. These people spit on
God's gift of life.

What they would teach you, if they could tell their anuses from
holes in the ground, is that you can transcend life for brief
periods every week or day.

But what are actually doing is turning your attention
to your inner, source self. The part of you that creates
your Earthly reality.

God doesn't do that. God just give us the MEANS to do that.

Body/Life are not seperate from Spirit. Energy changes
form. The body is the soul in chemical clothes.

And please don't point out the obvious: Of course there are
elements of Truth in this document. That's how these Guru/Priest
hook you. Even the Bible has elements of Truth in it.

You can't be blissfully happy all the time. The entire range of
emotions are part of the Earthly package.

The only people who are blissfully happy all of the time are in
mental institutions. They can't cope with life. Someone has to
wipe their asses for them. They aren't really alive.


I am a Magickal Being
My Second Spell is Innocence
usenet4444 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
2011-01-15 01:41:01 UTC
The only people who are blissfully happy all of the time are in
mental institutions.

I'm sure the mental institutions are full of blissfully happy people.
More proof that you can make any claim you want and then peddle it as
the truth.
