Post by CarriePost by Sidney LambeOn talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by CarriePost by Sidney LambeOn talk.religion.course-miracle, Carrie
Post by CarriePost by Sidney LambeA Course In Miracles
This is a course in miracles. It is a required course.
Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does
not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means
only that you can elect what you want to take at a given
time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of
love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim,
however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's
presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite
of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.
I've often thought it could have just stopped there.
Oh my. I'm a few pages into the 1st chapter and was thinking
it was going to be a long haul.
There is a lot more in it, but I think the beginning
says so much you could just accept and live, coming from
that, and have the meaning. Maybe others don't agree with
this. So, there is a lot more, but don't think of it as some
BIG DEAL you have to fully understand and learn (and explain
it so others will say you are right) It's not like school.
Just the opposite. It's more UNdoing. If you don't worry
about "the illusion" (well live in it, and deal with things,
but know that's not all there is) and put "peace" first (be
still and know). It's the undoing, removing what we think is
so real and important, and letting go of anything that isn't
love. It seems so simple.
You know, that's the most right on paragraph I have read since
arriving on the Usenet two years ago. Except for that idea
that love is the only thing that counts. Love is perceiving
the Grace in something or someone and one should be able to
love everything. But that's not the end of learning, it's the
I like what you have said better than anything I've read in
ACIM to date.
That's nice to know. I usually "say something" and someone
gets mad (LOL) I just write what comes to me. I used to wonder
what the course means by love "Only the Love is Real". The love
we give? Or receive? I realized at one point it doesn't matter.
It's the feeling of love, which is like pure, positive energy
and Connection to God (or Source) The same with forgiveness.
In the Song of Prayer (which is a pamphlet) it says the only
meaning prayer is for forgiveness. I used to wonder forgiveness
for the person praying? For what? If we are all Innocent
Children of God and sin, guilt and fear is part of the illusion
and not real. Or, forgivenss from us to others? But, for what?
If it's all not real and THEY are Innocent Children of God.
And nothing real can be threatened, and such. I don't think it
matters. love/forgiveness for me, you, or us from someone else
or God. When there's really nothing to forgve. It's the feeling
of forgiveness (like love) Letting things go, remembering
the Truth. I've been at this for a long time, and seems like
I would be living it by now. Like the idea of seeing others
thinking they are teaching it and not living it themselves is
a lesson for me. It doen't really matter (in the illusion)
what they are doing. Whatever they feel good about. It's like
backing off and looking at a more overall view of things and
seeing it in a different way. Most of it, probably all of it
comes down to "does this reallly matter?" (to my Peace of
it isn't independent. It's a part of, an extension of,
a larger framework.
Nature is supernatural.
reality seems dreamlike. But it isn't that this is
less real. The larger framework is _more_ real.