People with Autism SpectrumDisorders are Individual. They DisplayDifferent Aspects Of Behaviours
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ameliya vii
2013-02-22 09:27:14 UTC
Considerations also have to be taken into
account as regards to individuality and the
mix of the various themes associated with
autism spectrum disorder. For example, one
person may show more problems associated
with dysphasia or dyslexia than other
themes. Each Aspie differs from another.
This makes diagnosis more complex for
males, yet alone the female counterparts. If
you want to know more about Asperger’s
Read more
2013-02-22 14:58:29 UTC
Problem isn't autism or variant autism as aspergers, and other autism spectrum disorders, but the CAUSE of the problem. It is becoming more and more prevalent, as is childhood ADD/ADHD.

? hormones in food ? insecticides ? too early immunizations

I tend to consume as much organic food as possible.

Post by ameliya vii
Considerations also have to be taken into
account as regards to individuality and the
mix of the various themes associated with
autism spectrum disorder. For example, one
person may show more problems associated
with dysphasia or dyslexia than other
themes. Each Aspie differs from another.
This makes diagnosis more complex for
males, yet alone the female counterparts. If
you want to know more about Asperger’s
Read more