Lee Flynn
2011-06-09 20:00:42 UTC
" **96. (Tell B. that miracles DO NOT depend on Revelation. They
INDUCE it. He is quite capable of miracles already, but he is
still too fearful for Revelations.)
**97. Note that YOUR (HS) Revelation occurred specifically after
you had engaged at the visionary level in a process of DENYING
fear. " ~ Urtext of ACIM
Hi all,
This series of excerpts from the Urtext of ACIM
will feature those portions that specifically reference
the thoughts, reactions and relationships between and
among the three who produced ACIM: the Course's scribe,
her dedicated assistant, and the Author who dictated the
"HS" refers to Helen Schucman, whose shorthand notes
document the rapid inner dictation that produced the
unedited manuscript (Urtext) of ACIM. The early portion of
her notes also capture her own thoughts and questions, as
well as the Voice's answers, in bracketed asides that reveal
a secondary layer of ongoing personal instruction
and encouragement for the scribes, even as the Voice
pressed on with dictation of the Course material.
"B." refers to Bill Thetford, who regularly typed out Helen's
shorthand notes as she read them aloud, and whose later
role included editing the resultant Urtext manuscript into
the edition of the Course originally prepared for publication.
The Urtext of ACIM was unavailable publicly for the first
25 years of the Course's publication, and though never
intended for public scrutiny, its recent discovery provides
this rich, embedded, 'second layer' of material that essentially
documents, in intimate detail, the entire scribal process.
~ Lee
** Paragraphs that include '2nd layer' material will usually
include an asterisk before the paragraph number.
[ "HS" is Helen Schucman. "B." is Bill Thetford ]
" 90. The Revelation unites Souls directly with God.
91. The Miracle unites Souls directly with each other. Neither
emanates from consciousness, but both are EXPERIENCED there.
This is essential, because consciousness is the state which
PRODUCES action, though it DOES NOT Inspire it.
94. Miracles are a way of EARNING release from fear.
95. Revelation induces a state in which fear has ALREADY BEEN
abolished. Miracles are thus a means, and Revelations are an
end. In this sense, they work together.
**96. (Tell B. that miracles DO NOT depend on Revelation. They
INDUCE it. He is quite capable of miracles already, but he is
still too fearful for Revelations.)
**97. Note that YOUR (HS) Revelation occurred specifically after
you had engaged at the visionary level in a process of DENYING
**100. (Tell B. that your propensity for Revelations, which is
very great, is the result of a high level of past communion.
Its transitory nature comes from the descent into fear, which
has not yet been overcome. His own "suspended" state mitigates
both extremes. This has been very apparent in the course of
both of your recent developmental patterns.) "
*101. Miracles are the essential course of ACTION for both of
you. They will strengthen him and stabilize you.
**102. (Note that the much more personal than usual notes you
are taking today reflect the Revelatory experience. This does
NOT produce the more generalizeable quality which this course
is aimed at. They may, nevertheless, be of great help to B.
personally, since you asked for something that WOULD help him
personally. It depends on how he listens, and how well he
understands the COOPERATIVE nature of your joint experience.
You can help only by reading this note first. Ask him later if
this should be included in the written part of the course at
all or whether you should keep these notes separately. He is
in charge of these decisions.)
**103. (Tell B. he should try to understand the VERY important
difference between Christ-control and Christ-guidance. This is
what made him fearful yesterday.)
104. 26. Miracles praise God thru men. They praise God by
honoring his Creations, affirming their perfection. They heal
because they deny body-identification and affirms Soul-
identification. By perceiving the Spirit, they adjust the
levels and see them in proper alignment. This places the
Spirit at the center, where Souls can communicate directly.
111. 28. Miracles honor man, BECAUSE he is loveable. They
dispel illusions about himself, and perceive the light in him.
They thus atone for his errors by freeing him from his own
nightmares. They release him from a prison in which he has
imprisoned himself. By freeing his mind from illusions, they
restore his sanity, and place him at the feet of Jesus.
*112. (Biblical quotation re healing of devil possessed man, in
which the sufferer was subsequently found healed in his right
mind, and sitting at feet of Jesus. HS note.)
*113. (Tell B. man's mind can be possessed by illusions, but
his Spirit is eternally free. If a mind creates without love,
it can create an empty shell. This CAN be possessed by evil.
But the Atonement restores the Soul to its proper place.
Unless there is emptiness there is no danger, and emptiness is
a false creation. The mind that serves the Spirit is
116. 30. Miracles are the way in which minds that serve the
spirit unite with Christ for the salvation (or release) of all
God's Creations.
*117. Aside: (HS commented on awakening with the phrase
" God is not Mocked", with anticipation of punishment.)
**118. Interpretation: "God is not mocked" was intended as
reassurance. You are afraid that what you wrote last night was
contradictory, conflicting with some earlier points,
especially because you were writing while you were all doped
up. Remember, "God is not mocked" under any circumstances.
**119. Contradictions in MY words mean lack of understanding, or
scribal failures, which I make every effort to correct. But
they are still NOT crucial. The Bible as the same problem, I
assure you, and it's STILL being edited. Consider the power of
MY WORD, in that it has withstood all the attacks of error,
and is the Source of Truth. "
~ Urtext of ACIM
~ Lee
INDUCE it. He is quite capable of miracles already, but he is
still too fearful for Revelations.)
**97. Note that YOUR (HS) Revelation occurred specifically after
you had engaged at the visionary level in a process of DENYING
fear. " ~ Urtext of ACIM
Hi all,
This series of excerpts from the Urtext of ACIM
will feature those portions that specifically reference
the thoughts, reactions and relationships between and
among the three who produced ACIM: the Course's scribe,
her dedicated assistant, and the Author who dictated the
"HS" refers to Helen Schucman, whose shorthand notes
document the rapid inner dictation that produced the
unedited manuscript (Urtext) of ACIM. The early portion of
her notes also capture her own thoughts and questions, as
well as the Voice's answers, in bracketed asides that reveal
a secondary layer of ongoing personal instruction
and encouragement for the scribes, even as the Voice
pressed on with dictation of the Course material.
"B." refers to Bill Thetford, who regularly typed out Helen's
shorthand notes as she read them aloud, and whose later
role included editing the resultant Urtext manuscript into
the edition of the Course originally prepared for publication.
The Urtext of ACIM was unavailable publicly for the first
25 years of the Course's publication, and though never
intended for public scrutiny, its recent discovery provides
this rich, embedded, 'second layer' of material that essentially
documents, in intimate detail, the entire scribal process.
~ Lee
** Paragraphs that include '2nd layer' material will usually
include an asterisk before the paragraph number.
[ "HS" is Helen Schucman. "B." is Bill Thetford ]
" 90. The Revelation unites Souls directly with God.
91. The Miracle unites Souls directly with each other. Neither
emanates from consciousness, but both are EXPERIENCED there.
This is essential, because consciousness is the state which
PRODUCES action, though it DOES NOT Inspire it.
94. Miracles are a way of EARNING release from fear.
95. Revelation induces a state in which fear has ALREADY BEEN
abolished. Miracles are thus a means, and Revelations are an
end. In this sense, they work together.
**96. (Tell B. that miracles DO NOT depend on Revelation. They
INDUCE it. He is quite capable of miracles already, but he is
still too fearful for Revelations.)
**97. Note that YOUR (HS) Revelation occurred specifically after
you had engaged at the visionary level in a process of DENYING
**100. (Tell B. that your propensity for Revelations, which is
very great, is the result of a high level of past communion.
Its transitory nature comes from the descent into fear, which
has not yet been overcome. His own "suspended" state mitigates
both extremes. This has been very apparent in the course of
both of your recent developmental patterns.) "
*101. Miracles are the essential course of ACTION for both of
you. They will strengthen him and stabilize you.
**102. (Note that the much more personal than usual notes you
are taking today reflect the Revelatory experience. This does
NOT produce the more generalizeable quality which this course
is aimed at. They may, nevertheless, be of great help to B.
personally, since you asked for something that WOULD help him
personally. It depends on how he listens, and how well he
understands the COOPERATIVE nature of your joint experience.
You can help only by reading this note first. Ask him later if
this should be included in the written part of the course at
all or whether you should keep these notes separately. He is
in charge of these decisions.)
**103. (Tell B. he should try to understand the VERY important
difference between Christ-control and Christ-guidance. This is
what made him fearful yesterday.)
104. 26. Miracles praise God thru men. They praise God by
honoring his Creations, affirming their perfection. They heal
because they deny body-identification and affirms Soul-
identification. By perceiving the Spirit, they adjust the
levels and see them in proper alignment. This places the
Spirit at the center, where Souls can communicate directly.
111. 28. Miracles honor man, BECAUSE he is loveable. They
dispel illusions about himself, and perceive the light in him.
They thus atone for his errors by freeing him from his own
nightmares. They release him from a prison in which he has
imprisoned himself. By freeing his mind from illusions, they
restore his sanity, and place him at the feet of Jesus.
*112. (Biblical quotation re healing of devil possessed man, in
which the sufferer was subsequently found healed in his right
mind, and sitting at feet of Jesus. HS note.)
*113. (Tell B. man's mind can be possessed by illusions, but
his Spirit is eternally free. If a mind creates without love,
it can create an empty shell. This CAN be possessed by evil.
But the Atonement restores the Soul to its proper place.
Unless there is emptiness there is no danger, and emptiness is
a false creation. The mind that serves the Spirit is
116. 30. Miracles are the way in which minds that serve the
spirit unite with Christ for the salvation (or release) of all
God's Creations.
*117. Aside: (HS commented on awakening with the phrase
" God is not Mocked", with anticipation of punishment.)
**118. Interpretation: "God is not mocked" was intended as
reassurance. You are afraid that what you wrote last night was
contradictory, conflicting with some earlier points,
especially because you were writing while you were all doped
up. Remember, "God is not mocked" under any circumstances.
**119. Contradictions in MY words mean lack of understanding, or
scribal failures, which I make every effort to correct. But
they are still NOT crucial. The Bible as the same problem, I
assure you, and it's STILL being edited. Consider the power of
MY WORD, in that it has withstood all the attacks of error,
and is the Source of Truth. "
~ Urtext of ACIM
~ Lee