Lee Flynn
2011-06-12 16:00:22 UTC
Hi all,
This series of excerpts from the Urtext of ACIM
will feature those portions that specifically reference
the thoughts, reactions and relationships between and
among the three who produced ACIM: the Course's scribe,
her dedicated assistant, and the Author who dictated the
The Urtext of ACIM was unavailable publicly for the first
25 years of the Course's publication, and though never
intended for public scrutiny, its recent discovery provides
this rich, embedded, 'second layer' of material that essentially
documents, in intimate detail, the entire scribal process.
~ Lee
** Paragraphs that include '2nd layer' material will usually
include an asterisk before the paragraph number.
[ "HS" is Helen Schucman. "B." is Bill Thetford ]
"**120. (Tell B. that there are certain advantages in being a
Psychologist. A major one is the understanding of projection,
and the extent of its results. Possession is very closely
related to projection. "Lucifer" could be literally translated
"Light Bearer". He literally PROJECTED himself from Heaven.
Projection still has this "hurling" connotation, because it
involves hurling something you DO NOT want, and regard as
dangerous and frightening, to someone else. This is the
opposite of the Golden Rule, and having placed this rule
upside down, the reverse of miracles, or projection, follows
**121. The correction lies in accepting what is true in
YOURSELF, by bringing ALL that you are into light. (HS fearful
of writing next part.) Cacey was wrong about Possession, and
he was also wrong about hurting himself. One of the major
problems with miracle workers is that they are so sure that
what they are doing is right, because they KNOW it stems from
love, that they do not pause to let ME establish MY limits.
*122. While what he (Cacey) did came from Me, he could NOT be
induced to ask me each time whether I wanted him to perform
this PARTICULAR miracle. If he had, he would not have
performed any miracles that could not get thru constructively,
and would thus have saved himself unnecessary strain. He
burned himself out with indiscriminate miracles, and to this
extent did not fulfill his own full purpose, and was also
subject to the Scribal error I mentioned at the start. The
Disciples were also prone to this.
**123. The answer is NEVER perform a miracle without asking me
IF you should. This spares you from exhaustion, and because
you act under direct communication the trance becomes
unnecessary. Because miracles are expressions of love, it does
NOT follow that they will always be effective. I am the only
one who can perform miracles indiscriminately, because I AM
the Atonement. You have a ROLE in Atonement, which I will
dictate TO you.
124. Remember, you already have a point about the involuntary
nature of miracles. We also have established the fact that
everything involuntary belongs under Christ-control, NOT under
yours. Under Christ-control, Miracles REPLENISH the doer as
well as the receiver.
**125. Possession really means "Not under Christ-Control", thus
making him (the mind?) vulnerable to projection. The reference
to the earth-bound entering bodies really refer to the "taking
over" by their own earth-bound "thoughts". This IS Demon
Possession. After all, Lucifer fell, but he was still an
angel. He is thus the symbol for man. Atonement is the
knowledge that the belief that angels can fall is false. It is
true that mind can create projections as well as miracles, but
it's NOT true that projections are REAL. Any psychologist
should understand this. This is what is meant by "The Truth
shall set you free." "
~ Urtext of ACIM
~ Lee
This series of excerpts from the Urtext of ACIM
will feature those portions that specifically reference
the thoughts, reactions and relationships between and
among the three who produced ACIM: the Course's scribe,
her dedicated assistant, and the Author who dictated the
The Urtext of ACIM was unavailable publicly for the first
25 years of the Course's publication, and though never
intended for public scrutiny, its recent discovery provides
this rich, embedded, 'second layer' of material that essentially
documents, in intimate detail, the entire scribal process.
~ Lee
** Paragraphs that include '2nd layer' material will usually
include an asterisk before the paragraph number.
[ "HS" is Helen Schucman. "B." is Bill Thetford ]
"**120. (Tell B. that there are certain advantages in being a
Psychologist. A major one is the understanding of projection,
and the extent of its results. Possession is very closely
related to projection. "Lucifer" could be literally translated
"Light Bearer". He literally PROJECTED himself from Heaven.
Projection still has this "hurling" connotation, because it
involves hurling something you DO NOT want, and regard as
dangerous and frightening, to someone else. This is the
opposite of the Golden Rule, and having placed this rule
upside down, the reverse of miracles, or projection, follows
**121. The correction lies in accepting what is true in
YOURSELF, by bringing ALL that you are into light. (HS fearful
of writing next part.) Cacey was wrong about Possession, and
he was also wrong about hurting himself. One of the major
problems with miracle workers is that they are so sure that
what they are doing is right, because they KNOW it stems from
love, that they do not pause to let ME establish MY limits.
*122. While what he (Cacey) did came from Me, he could NOT be
induced to ask me each time whether I wanted him to perform
this PARTICULAR miracle. If he had, he would not have
performed any miracles that could not get thru constructively,
and would thus have saved himself unnecessary strain. He
burned himself out with indiscriminate miracles, and to this
extent did not fulfill his own full purpose, and was also
subject to the Scribal error I mentioned at the start. The
Disciples were also prone to this.
**123. The answer is NEVER perform a miracle without asking me
IF you should. This spares you from exhaustion, and because
you act under direct communication the trance becomes
unnecessary. Because miracles are expressions of love, it does
NOT follow that they will always be effective. I am the only
one who can perform miracles indiscriminately, because I AM
the Atonement. You have a ROLE in Atonement, which I will
dictate TO you.
124. Remember, you already have a point about the involuntary
nature of miracles. We also have established the fact that
everything involuntary belongs under Christ-control, NOT under
yours. Under Christ-control, Miracles REPLENISH the doer as
well as the receiver.
**125. Possession really means "Not under Christ-Control", thus
making him (the mind?) vulnerable to projection. The reference
to the earth-bound entering bodies really refer to the "taking
over" by their own earth-bound "thoughts". This IS Demon
Possession. After all, Lucifer fell, but he was still an
angel. He is thus the symbol for man. Atonement is the
knowledge that the belief that angels can fall is false. It is
true that mind can create projections as well as miracles, but
it's NOT true that projections are REAL. Any psychologist
should understand this. This is what is meant by "The Truth
shall set you free." "
~ Urtext of ACIM
~ Lee