you ALWAYS ONLY meet ...
(too old to reply)
2010-08-09 01:18:25 UTC
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)

Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
2010-08-09 02:07:23 UTC
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
2010-08-09 13:21:10 UTC
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))

Hey there are people here again!
There's hope
2010-08-10 02:07:06 UTC
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
 Hey there are people here again!
There's hope
There is no hope.
2010-08-10 14:23:16 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
Hey there are people here again!
There's hope
There is no hope.

**Party pooper!! :)) Hi Carrie.
2010-08-10 14:29:11 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
Hey there are people here again!
There's hope
There is no hope.

**Party pooper!! :)) Hi Carrie.

Hi Deb
Where did everyone go, Facebook or Twitter?
I remember when Coarse_Talk was so active, then it seemed like everyone was
gone. I said "where did everyone go?" Ellen posted "to the newsgroup".
Funny how we think of a computer group as a "place".
Now's our chance to take over. (LOL)
I think a lot moved to one of Robin Bodhi's groups now.
2010-08-10 21:55:37 UTC
Post by HappyMike
Post by Carrie
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
Hey there are people here again!
There's hope
There is no hope.
**Party pooper!! :)) Hi Carrie.
Hi Deb
Where did everyone go, Facebook or Twitter?
I remember when Coarse_Talk was so active, then it seemed like everyone was
gone. I said "where did everyone go?" Ellen posted "to the newsgroup".
Funny how we think of a computer group as a "place".
Now's our chance to take over. (LOL)
I think a lot moved to one of Robin Bodhi's groups now.
**I see everyone pop up from time to time on some sort of site or another.
2010-08-10 22:12:05 UTC
Post by HappyMike
Post by Carrie
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
Hey there are people here again!
There's hope
There is no hope.
**Party pooper!! :)) Hi Carrie.
Hi Deb
Where did everyone go, Facebook or Twitter?
I remember when Coarse_Talk was so active, then it seemed like everyone was
gone. I said "where did everyone go?" Ellen posted "to the newsgroup".
Funny how we think of a computer group as a "place".
Now's our chance to take over. (LOL)
I think a lot moved to one of Robin Bodhi's groups now.
**I see everyone pop up from time to time on some sort of site or another.
Yeah, we sort of keep in touch.
2010-08-10 14:26:45 UTC
Post by Carrie
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
Hey there are people here again!
There's hope
There is no hope.

There must be.
You're here
2010-08-10 21:07:55 UTC
Post by HappyMike
Post by Carrie
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
Hey there are people here again!
There's hope
There is no hope.
 There must be.
 You're here

Yes, but I was here for only for an instant. Then I gave up and was

... Oh, wait. When I was here I posted this.

Jeshua/Jesus thru Brent Haskell

Greetings to you this day. I am Jeshua. And I have come, as always,
to discuss with you A Course in Miracles. You have been struggling, as
it were, for some time, about some words, which I have placed in A
Course in Miracles. And those words are these; “The script is
written.” (See ACIM Workbook Lesson 158)
And what I have told you with those words is that for everything
that seems to happen here, it has already been done. The time when
each of you shall come to understand the truth of who you are is set.
It is in the script. It is just as if it has been placed at a certain
frame on the film that you play out, that you call your life. And only
when you arrive at that frame and that moment, that seeming moment in
your time, will you truly understand.
And I have said to you that time only seems to go in one direction.
Time only seems to go in one direction. And all of this can present
such a dilemma for you, can it not?
Here, in your earthly life, what can you do? I have told you that
always when you come to the point in time when you understand, when
you come to your moment of awakening, you will realise in that same
moment the truth that – There was nothing I needed to do.
But your question for today goes even beyond that. For indeed, is
there anything that you can do at all? If you are impatient to know
the peace of God, can you, in your time, speed up the process? Can you
be diligent and make the moment come sooner in your time? Does the
time of your study, the time of your contemplation, the time of your
simply being silent, does any of that make any difference at all? Or
will you simply one day awaken and say, “Aha, I see.”?
Now I have told you, have I not, so many times, that this world
never happened. And I have told you that this world is but illusion.
It is not real. And do you know one of the aspects of reality itself –
reality is imbued with creative power. That which is real is of God.
You are of God. Because you, the reality of what you are – you are
real. But this world, ah – ‘tis not real.
And what does that include? That includes your bodies. They are not
real. That includes the aspects you see of space and time – the skies
and the heavens – the earth about you the flowers and the trees – none
of it is real. ‘Tis but a figment of imagination, if you will.
And this is part of what I have told you, but is so difficult for
you. The thoughts you think you think are not real. The thoughts of
which you are aware are not real thoughts. And that means this, as I
have told you – the thoughts you think you think, the thoughts of the
brain, if you will, the thoughts of space and time, are not real. And
as such, hear me well. They have no creative power.
So can you, of your thinking, of your planning, of your struggling,
of your doing things here, change anything, do anything at all? And
the answer must be no. The answer must be no.
This is the fundamental struggle that you – insofar as you believe
yourself to be your ego – this is the fundamental struggle that you
must deal with. And I have spoken to you and called it the authority
problem. As ego, as a conscious thinking being, here, who seems to
have life and seems to have choice, and would seem to perhaps have
power associated with your choices, is there anything that you can do?
And the answer is – no.
Consider for a moment – what if that were not so? What if you, in
your conscious thinking, could in fact change your mind and see your
life or your world change? Then that would demand that your thinking,
the thoughts of this world, had creative power. Suppose that you
could, with your body, do acts, do things that could change your
world. That would mean that bodies had within them creative power. And
that would mean that the thoughts of consciousness, the body itself,
would be of God. That which has creative power must be God Itself,
just as you – in your reality, have creative power and are God.
So how do you deal with this issue, if I tell you, as I truly am
telling you, that nothing you do in your life makes any difference at
all? And one of your great passions, one of your great concerns in
being loving and pursuing the spiritual path – for most of you – for
so many of you – is that you say, “I want to make a difference. I
want , when my life is over, to be able to stand tall and say, ‘I made
a difference. I changed my world.’” And do you know what this is?
Truly that is but the voice of the ego crying out not to die.
Ask yourself this – if this world is not real, if it is but illusion
– if it has no effect of any kind in all of eternity – then why would
it matter whether your life here makes a difference? That too is but
illusion. So if you would be a student of A Course in Miracles, if you
would be a teacher of A Course in Miracles, if you would be a writer
of books, the sharer of wisdom through lectures or speaking
engagements, or workshops – does any of that matter? And the answer
truly is - it does not.
Such harsh words are they not? For have I not just told you that all
of your struggling, everything you would do to seek to accomplish good
in your life, matters not at all. DO you recall that I said in A
Course in Miracles, “Your only goal is to accept the Atonement for
And do you recall the words I spoke in A Course in Miracles, that
experience cannot be given directly? The only thing you have to offer
is the vision of Christ – the vision of the Holy Spirit.
And vision itself – hear me well – has no power to change. Vision is
but experience that you have within yourself when you – in a moment –
see this world differently, when you forgive this world. And that, as
I have told you, is your only function – to forgive this world – to
forgive yourself – to forgive your brother – to forgive me and to
forgive God Itself.
Have you heard these words at the core of your being? You forgive
through vision. You forgive not through action, not though doing, not
through trying, above all not through studying and struggling and
dialoguing, if you will.
So what does that mean? What it means is – you must hear these words
I speak this day, and these words which you will find in A Course in
Miracles as you look for them – it means that you must take those
words and experience them. For if you do not, or until you do, you
will not know the peace of God. Hear me well.
So if your life matters not – ah, did I say that? Did I say your
life matters not? Or did I say that there is nothing you can do to
change anything? There is a difference. There truly is nothing you can
do to bring about sooner the moment of your awakening. And if you feel
you are awakened already – and wish to give the gift to your brothers
and sisters, there is nothing you can do whatsoever to hasten the
moment of their awakening as well. The script is written. The time is
Time but seems to flow in one direction. What does that mean? You
believe in cause and effect being separate. That ultimately is the
belief in your time. For you believe that an action, a thought, a
word, a deed, now, will result in a change. The word “will” speaks of
the future, do you hear? You believe that a word, an action, a
thought, now, can effect what you see as the future. And it is
absolutely not so.
I have told you that every single moment of your time is totally
independent of every other moment of your time. That is what it means
to say that cause and effect are not separate. In the absence of time,
the Son of God imagines whatever he will, and in that instant, it is
done. There cannot be delay. Delay is but illusion.
And so all of your struggling to become is but your desire to
worship time, and to hallow what you would call the future, the
result. And it is the grandest delusion of the ego to believe that
what you call the future is the result of the past. And if it is then,
you can further delude yourself into believing that what you did in
one moment affected the next And thus you believe that you have
creative power.
The nature of God, the fact that time does not exist, makes it
impossible that such could be the case. In this moment, you either
know the peace of God or you do not. And the next moment is the same,
and the next is the same and the next is the same and the next is the
same. And creative spirit, which sits at the core of your being always
knows the peace of God.
Did your Mind cease creating for a moment to make up a world of
illusion? Hear me well. To create is to be. And to cease to create
would be to cease to be. Mind never sleeps. It is creating every
moment. That I have told you. And what is it that Mind creates –
nothing but love. For that is all there is.
This world, I tell you – and this fact lies at the core of your
forgiveness – this world, every aspect of it, is love being expressed.
And in your forgiveness – when you awaken – in your moment of
awakening, you will know that to be true. And that shall be the
forgiveness that you seek. And in your forgiveness, you shall find the
peace of God.
Can you, from within the framework of the ego, from within
consciousness, can you rationalise, can you discuss and discover, can
you debate and find, can you figure out how it is that this world is
nothing but love? Hear me well. Absolutely not. It is the framework of
this world which imprisons you. It is that framework which you use to
form that which you call ego, that which you believe yourself to be,
but which you are not. From within the domain of the ego, you can not
discover, you can not find vision, the vision of the Holy Spirit, the
vision of your One Self, the vision of Christ, the vision of God.
They are all the same.
How then can you find the peace of God? Do you remember that I have
told you – you have but one choice in this world – to which voice
shall I listen? One choice – to which voice shall you choose to
listen? I have told you that there is nothing you can do to hasten the
moment of your or your brother’s awakening. Your goal is to forgive.
Your only goal is to accept the Atonement for yourself, which is
exactly the same thing.
There truly is nothing you can do. For if it were not so, this world
would be imbued with creative power, and would be real. And that which
you pretend to see would be God Itself. And the universe would be a
place of fear and horror. And it is not so. Hear me well.
How do you choose to listen to the Voice for God? How do you choose
to hear the Holy Spirit? For when you do make that choice, then what
will fill your awareness is the vision of Christ. For truly then, your
One Self, the Holy Spirit, I, God Itself, were He to choose to look
upon this world, would see with vision, and would see nothing but
How do you choose to do that? There is but one way. For the choice
you have of which voice you shall listen is not really a choice at
all. So even in the sense of choosing which voice you shall hear,
there is still nothing you can do. Hear me well. For this I have told
you before.
The Holy Spirit, the Voice of God, the bringer of the vision of
Christ, speaks with the quietest of whispers you could ever imagine.
The truth is this, my brothers – you hear the Voice of God in silence.
The only choice you have is the choice to be still, to cease the
workings of your conscious mind. For when you do not think, you are
free of the busyness of the world. You are no longer burning with a
passion to dialogue or debate, or study or think or to use your
thoughts to become. When you are free of that, then in your silence
there comes a whisper, the Voice of the Holy Spirit.
And as you sit in your silence for more than a moment, then there
will come exactly this, a vision. And arising out of your silence, you
will be given a new world. But nothing will have changed at all. You
will be given a new world because, as you look upon your world and
experience this world here – beyond the domain of the ego – you will
come face to face with the vision of Christ. And everything you see
will be the Love of God. And everything you experience will be the
Love of God.
And what will you do in your life? You will celebrate. For the
fullness of the awareness of that Love will make it impossible for you
not to do so. Hear me well this day. This is the measure of your
forgiveness. As you look upon your world, do you see nothing but love?
As you look upon your world do you see nothing but love in action? As
you look upon your world, are you filled with joy and wonder at it
all? And as you look upon your world are you filled with a total peace
that desires to change nothing? For why would anyone desire to change
the perfect Love of God? Do you see?
Then what do you do in your life, if all your doing matters not? And
this I have told you as well. How do you know if you are happy? Do you
contemplate and debate, or do you simply know at the core of your
being? How do you know if you are filled with love? Do you debate the
meaning of love? Do you define love and write books about love or do
you simply experience that which it is? And experience, as I have told
you, lies beyond thought – lies beyond your thinking mind – lies
beyond the domain of the ego.
So what can you do then? You simply experience your life. If you
would do that, you do not plan one moment in the future, but simply
experience your life. And do you remember those words? I spoke them
even two thousand years ago, and yet again and again in so many times
and places. And yet again in A Course in Miracles. If you would simply
experience your life, what will you do? And the answer is so extremely
simple that you perhaps have never heard it. If you would simply
experience your life, you will follow the path of your own joy.
Do you think I was joking when I said, “God’s will for you is
perfect happiness”? and when I gave you the affirmation “God’s peace
and joy are mine”? Not at all. What if your joy does not lead you to
study A Course in Miracles? What would you do? Follow the path of your
own joy. What if your joy does not lead you to writing books and going
to workshops or seminars or dialoguing with your brethren about the
nature of truth? What should you do? You should follow the pathway of
your own joy. I promise you, if you are not following the pathway of
your own joy, you are nowhere near, at all, the discovery of the peace
of God.
Can you speed up your time? No, indeed. Can you be joyful in your
life? Yes, you can. What happens if you truly become silent and open
your being, and open your heart – if you will – to the presence of the
Holy Spirit – to my presence – to the Voice for God? What happens if
you do that? Time itself collapses. I have told you that as well.
“Miracles collapse time”. Those are not new words to you, are they?
The only activities that can possibly bring you to the point of time
collapsing are those that bring you joy.
And what is the measure of your joy? I have told you this also many
times. If you are experiencing joy, then ask yourself – “Can anything
of this world threaten my joy?” And if the answer is “yes”, then it
is not the joy of God. It is still the ego clamouring and crying out
to be heard, and trying to convince someone, somewhere, that it exists
– which of course it does not.
In the moment of your silence, in the moment of your joy, in the
moment of the collapse of time – then all time becomes the same
instant. Do you hear? And in that instant – in that instant of the
forever of your time – as it collapses into a single moment, the time
of your awakening is there. And I have, have I not, called that moment
the Holy Instant – the moment of the miracle. And that is exactly what
it is – the moment of the miracle – the moment in which time
But remember, you cannot make it happen. You cannot figure it out.
You cannot dialogue and discover what it is. You can never, ever,
ever, give it as an experience to someone else. The only thing you can
do is enter into your own silence, wherein you listen and are still,
and wherein you hear the Voice of God, and wherein you gain the vision
of Christ, and wherein you see anew world – not a world that has been
changed, but the same world seen anew.
And in that moment you will no longer see a world of illusion.
Illusion will pass away, including the illusion of time. And in the
moment of forever, you shall awaken. And in your awakening, you will
have within you the vision of Christ.
Can you force it upon your brothers? No, indeed. But as you hold
that vision, then it is present for anyone and everyone – throughout
all of space and time, past, present and future – to experience and to
celebrate. And in your own moment of experiencing that vision, truly
as I have told you, your silence and the joy to be found therein, make
you, without effort, the saviour of the world. And your life, moment
upon moment, shall become blessed in ways beyond what you can
comprehend – even though the moments of your space and time have
changed not one iota.

My blessings upon you all. That is all.


What do you think?
2010-08-10 22:31:07 UTC
Post by HappyMike
Post by Carrie
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
Hey there are people here again!
There's hope
There is no hope.
There must be.
You're here

Yes, but I was here for only for an instant. Then I gave up and was

... Oh, wait. When I was here I posted this.

Jeshua/Jesus thru Brent Haskell

Greetings to you this day. I am Jeshua. And I have come, as always,
to discuss with you A Course in Miracles. You have been struggling, as
it were, for some time, about some words, which I have placed in A
Course in Miracles. And those words are these; “The script is
written.” (See ACIM Workbook Lesson 158)
And what I have told you with those words is that for everything
that seems to happen here, it has already been done. The time when
each of you shall come to understand the truth of who you are is set.
It is in the script. It is just as if it has been placed at a certain
frame on the film that you play out, that you call your life. And only
when you arrive at that frame and that moment, that seeming moment in
your time, will you truly understand.
And I have said to you that time only seems to go in one direction.
Time only seems to go in one direction. And all of this can present
such a dilemma for you, can it not?
Here, in your earthly life, what can you do? I have told you that
always when you come to the point in time when you understand, when
you come to your moment of awakening, you will realise in that same
moment the truth that – There was nothing I needed to do.
But your question for today goes even beyond that. For indeed, is
there anything that you can do at all? If you are impatient to know
the peace of God, can you, in your time, speed up the process? Can you
be diligent and make the moment come sooner in your time? Does the
time of your study, the time of your contemplation, the time of your
simply being silent, does any of that make any difference at all? Or
will you simply one day awaken and say, “Aha, I see.”?
Now I have told you, have I not, so many times, that this world
never happened. And I have told you that this world is but illusion.
It is not real. And do you know one of the aspects of reality itself –
reality is imbued with creative power. That which is real is of God.
You are of God. Because you, the reality of what you are – you are
real. But this world, ah – ‘tis not real.
And what does that include? That includes your bodies. They are not
real. That includes the aspects you see of space and time – the skies
and the heavens – the earth about you the flowers and the trees – none
of it is real. ‘Tis but a figment of imagination, if you will.
And this is part of what I have told you, but is so difficult for
you. The thoughts you think you think are not real. The thoughts of
which you are aware are not real thoughts. And that means this, as I
have told you – the thoughts you think you think, the thoughts of the
brain, if you will, the thoughts of space and time, are not real. And
as such, hear me well. They have no creative power.
So can you, of your thinking, of your planning, of your struggling,
of your doing things here, change anything, do anything at all? And
the answer must be no. The answer must be no.
This is the fundamental struggle that you – insofar as you believe
yourself to be your ego – this is the fundamental struggle that you
must deal with. And I have spoken to you and called it the authority
problem. As ego, as a conscious thinking being, here, who seems to
have life and seems to have choice, and would seem to perhaps have
power associated with your choices, is there anything that you can do?
And the answer is – no.
Consider for a moment – what if that were not so? What if you, in
your conscious thinking, could in fact change your mind and see your
life or your world change? Then that would demand that your thinking,
the thoughts of this world, had creative power. Suppose that you
could, with your body, do acts, do things that could change your
world. That would mean that bodies had within them creative power. And
that would mean that the thoughts of consciousness, the body itself,
would be of God. That which has creative power must be God Itself,
just as you – in your reality, have creative power and are God.
So how do you deal with this issue, if I tell you, as I truly am
telling you, that nothing you do in your life makes any difference at
all? And one of your great passions, one of your great concerns in
being loving and pursuing the spiritual path – for most of you – for
so many of you – is that you say, “I want to make a difference. I
want , when my life is over, to be able to stand tall and say, ‘I made
a difference. I changed my world.’” And do you know what this is?
Truly that is but the voice of the ego crying out not to die.
Ask yourself this – if this world is not real, if it is but illusion
– if it has no effect of any kind in all of eternity – then why would
it matter whether your life here makes a difference? That too is but
illusion. So if you would be a student of A Course in Miracles, if you
would be a teacher of A Course in Miracles, if you would be a writer
of books, the sharer of wisdom through lectures or speaking
engagements, or workshops – does any of that matter? And the answer
truly is - it does not.
Such harsh words are they not? For have I not just told you that all
of your struggling, everything you would do to seek to accomplish good
in your life, matters not at all. DO you recall that I said in A
Course in Miracles, “Your only goal is to accept the Atonement for
And do you recall the words I spoke in A Course in Miracles, that
experience cannot be given directly? The only thing you have to offer
is the vision of Christ – the vision of the Holy Spirit.
And vision itself – hear me well – has no power to change. Vision is
but experience that you have within yourself when you – in a moment –
see this world differently, when you forgive this world. And that, as
I have told you, is your only function – to forgive this world – to
forgive yourself – to forgive your brother – to forgive me and to
forgive God Itself.
Have you heard these words at the core of your being? You forgive
through vision. You forgive not through action, not though doing, not
through trying, above all not through studying and struggling and
dialoguing, if you will.
So what does that mean? What it means is – you must hear these words
I speak this day, and these words which you will find in A Course in
Miracles as you look for them – it means that you must take those
words and experience them. For if you do not, or until you do, you
will not know the peace of God. Hear me well.
So if your life matters not – ah, did I say that? Did I say your
life matters not? Or did I say that there is nothing you can do to
change anything? There is a difference. There truly is nothing you can
do to bring about sooner the moment of your awakening. And if you feel
you are awakened already – and wish to give the gift to your brothers
and sisters, there is nothing you can do whatsoever to hasten the
moment of their awakening as well. The script is written. The time is
Time but seems to flow in one direction. What does that mean? You
believe in cause and effect being separate. That ultimately is the
belief in your time. For you believe that an action, a thought, a
word, a deed, now, will result in a change. The word “will” speaks of
the future, do you hear? You believe that a word, an action, a
thought, now, can effect what you see as the future. And it is
absolutely not so.
I have told you that every single moment of your time is totally
independent of every other moment of your time. That is what it means
to say that cause and effect are not separate. In the absence of time,
the Son of God imagines whatever he will, and in that instant, it is
done. There cannot be delay. Delay is but illusion.
And so all of your struggling to become is but your desire to
worship time, and to hallow what you would call the future, the
result. And it is the grandest delusion of the ego to believe that
what you call the future is the result of the past. And if it is then,
you can further delude yourself into believing that what you did in
one moment affected the next And thus you believe that you have
creative power.
The nature of God, the fact that time does not exist, makes it
impossible that such could be the case. In this moment, you either
know the peace of God or you do not. And the next moment is the same,
and the next is the same and the next is the same and the next is the
same. And creative spirit, which sits at the core of your being always
knows the peace of God.
Did your Mind cease creating for a moment to make up a world of
illusion? Hear me well. To create is to be. And to cease to create
would be to cease to be. Mind never sleeps. It is creating every
moment. That I have told you. And what is it that Mind creates –
nothing but love. For that is all there is.
This world, I tell you – and this fact lies at the core of your
forgiveness – this world, every aspect of it, is love being expressed.
And in your forgiveness – when you awaken – in your moment of
awakening, you will know that to be true. And that shall be the
forgiveness that you seek. And in your forgiveness, you shall find the
peace of God.
Can you, from within the framework of the ego, from within
consciousness, can you rationalise, can you discuss and discover, can
you debate and find, can you figure out how it is that this world is
nothing but love? Hear me well. Absolutely not. It is the framework of
this world which imprisons you. It is that framework which you use to
form that which you call ego, that which you believe yourself to be,
but which you are not. From within the domain of the ego, you can not
discover, you can not find vision, the vision of the Holy Spirit, the
vision of your One Self, the vision of Christ, the vision of God.
They are all the same.
How then can you find the peace of God? Do you remember that I have
told you – you have but one choice in this world – to which voice
shall I listen? One choice – to which voice shall you choose to
listen? I have told you that there is nothing you can do to hasten the
moment of your or your brother’s awakening. Your goal is to forgive.
Your only goal is to accept the Atonement for yourself, which is
exactly the same thing.
There truly is nothing you can do. For if it were not so, this world
would be imbued with creative power, and would be real. And that which
you pretend to see would be God Itself. And the universe would be a
place of fear and horror. And it is not so. Hear me well.
How do you choose to listen to the Voice for God? How do you choose
to hear the Holy Spirit? For when you do make that choice, then what
will fill your awareness is the vision of Christ. For truly then, your
One Self, the Holy Spirit, I, God Itself, were He to choose to look
upon this world, would see with vision, and would see nothing but
How do you choose to do that? There is but one way. For the choice
you have of which voice you shall listen is not really a choice at
all. So even in the sense of choosing which voice you shall hear,
there is still nothing you can do. Hear me well. For this I have told
you before.
The Holy Spirit, the Voice of God, the bringer of the vision of
Christ, speaks with the quietest of whispers you could ever imagine.
The truth is this, my brothers – you hear the Voice of God in silence.
The only choice you have is the choice to be still, to cease the
workings of your conscious mind. For when you do not think, you are
free of the busyness of the world. You are no longer burning with a
passion to dialogue or debate, or study or think or to use your
thoughts to become. When you are free of that, then in your silence
there comes a whisper, the Voice of the Holy Spirit.
And as you sit in your silence for more than a moment, then there
will come exactly this, a vision. And arising out of your silence, you
will be given a new world. But nothing will have changed at all. You
will be given a new world because, as you look upon your world and
experience this world here – beyond the domain of the ego – you will
come face to face with the vision of Christ. And everything you see
will be the Love of God. And everything you experience will be the
Love of God.
And what will you do in your life? You will celebrate. For the
fullness of the awareness of that Love will make it impossible for you
not to do so. Hear me well this day. This is the measure of your
forgiveness. As you look upon your world, do you see nothing but love?
As you look upon your world do you see nothing but love in action? As
you look upon your world, are you filled with joy and wonder at it
all? And as you look upon your world are you filled with a total peace
that desires to change nothing? For why would anyone desire to change
the perfect Love of God? Do you see?
Then what do you do in your life, if all your doing matters not? And
this I have told you as well. How do you know if you are happy? Do you
contemplate and debate, or do you simply know at the core of your
being? How do you know if you are filled with love? Do you debate the
meaning of love? Do you define love and write books about love or do
you simply experience that which it is? And experience, as I have told
you, lies beyond thought – lies beyond your thinking mind – lies
beyond the domain of the ego.
So what can you do then? You simply experience your life. If you
would do that, you do not plan one moment in the future, but simply
experience your life. And do you remember those words? I spoke them
even two thousand years ago, and yet again and again in so many times
and places. And yet again in A Course in Miracles. If you would simply
experience your life, what will you do? And the answer is so extremely
simple that you perhaps have never heard it. If you would simply
experience your life, you will follow the path of your own joy.
Do you think I was joking when I said, “God’s will for you is
perfect happiness”? and when I gave you the affirmation “God’s peace
and joy are mine”? Not at all. What if your joy does not lead you to
study A Course in Miracles? What would you do? Follow the path of your
own joy. What if your joy does not lead you to writing books and going
to workshops or seminars or dialoguing with your brethren about the
nature of truth? What should you do? You should follow the pathway of
your own joy. I promise you, if you are not following the pathway of
your own joy, you are nowhere near, at all, the discovery of the peace
of God.
Can you speed up your time? No, indeed. Can you be joyful in your
life? Yes, you can. What happens if you truly become silent and open
your being, and open your heart – if you will – to the presence of the
Holy Spirit – to my presence – to the Voice for God? What happens if
you do that? Time itself collapses. I have told you that as well.
“Miracles collapse time”. Those are not new words to you, are they?
The only activities that can possibly bring you to the point of time
collapsing are those that bring you joy.
And what is the measure of your joy? I have told you this also many
times. If you are experiencing joy, then ask yourself – “Can anything
of this world threaten my joy?” And if the answer is “yes”, then it
is not the joy of God. It is still the ego clamouring and crying out
to be heard, and trying to convince someone, somewhere, that it exists
– which of course it does not.
In the moment of your silence, in the moment of your joy, in the
moment of the collapse of time – then all time becomes the same
instant. Do you hear? And in that instant – in that instant of the
forever of your time – as it collapses into a single moment, the time
of your awakening is there. And I have, have I not, called that moment
the Holy Instant – the moment of the miracle. And that is exactly what
it is – the moment of the miracle – the moment in which time
But remember, you cannot make it happen. You cannot figure it out.
You cannot dialogue and discover what it is. You can never, ever,
ever, give it as an experience to someone else. The only thing you can
do is enter into your own silence, wherein you listen and are still,
and wherein you hear the Voice of God, and wherein you gain the vision
of Christ, and wherein you see anew world – not a world that has been
changed, but the same world seen anew.
And in that moment you will no longer see a world of illusion.
Illusion will pass away, including the illusion of time. And in the
moment of forever, you shall awaken. And in your awakening, you will
have within you the vision of Christ.
Can you force it upon your brothers? No, indeed. But as you hold
that vision, then it is present for anyone and everyone – throughout
all of space and time, past, present and future – to experience and to
celebrate. And in your own moment of experiencing that vision, truly
as I have told you, your silence and the joy to be found therein, make
you, without effort, the saviour of the world. And your life, moment
upon moment, shall become blessed in ways beyond what you can
comprehend – even though the moments of your space and time have
changed not one iota.

My blessings upon you all. That is all.


What do you think?

Love those books.
That make ACIM come alive and I "feel" it when I read them.
Well, I only have one. I once started to copy it all, so I'd have an online
file. Not sure if there are any available. I think the adio is available (to
buy) read by Kellie Love who did the first audio set of ACIM. I should look
for it.
One place, Jeshua says we're not to learn the course, so we can then tell
it to others, like "teaching" them something with the words.
It's a personal experience and we can teach it through example. I believe
this. It's really the only way to teach anyone anything.

Journey Beyond Words

by Brent Haskell, PhD.D.O. 1994


Greetings. I am Jeshua. I have come to discuss with you

A Course in Miracles.

Even as you begin,

Be aware that it is possible

For you to be misled by its name

In your world,

When you hear the word "course," you think of learning.

But you are not here to learn.

You are here to experience.

And you will find, with great joy,

That there is a dramatic difference between the two.

Learning is nothing more

Than a process undertaken by your brain.

But experience goes beyond the "learning" of your brain.

It goes beyond your thinking, beyond your analyzing,

To the very core of your being,

Wherein lies the true nature of what you are,

Which is the Son of God.

Hear me well.

If you undertake this Course

As an exercise in academic learning,

As the study of ideas to be mastered,

You will fail.

And in your failing, you will miss this Course,

And its miracles,


Your entry into this Course is your choice

To experience,

To live,

And to become.


The purpose of this Course is absolute peace.

Within peace there is the total absence of conflict.

Within peace there is never doubt, only total certainty.

Within peace there is never questioning.

Because there is never questioning, there is never fear.

And because there is never fear,

There is only room for love.

Love is freedom. Nothing more.

To the extent that you allow freedom to your brother,

You shall receive, in the exact same measure, freedom,

Which is love.

If you, in your thinking, would restrict your brother,

Thus to deny him freedom, thus to deny him love,

Then you must deny yourself that selfsame freedom and love.

In the absence of your freedom,

In the absence of love,

You will experience conflict, .

And you will not be at peace.

Again, I tell you,

This Course is nothing more than a pathway

Which shall lead you to the experience of total peace.

Such peace is not something you can think about,

Nor something you can debate.

Indeed, if you ever find yourself wondering

Whether you are at peace,

I promise you,

You are not.

As you approach the daily lessons,

The first two-thirds, as I have told you,

Are for the purpose of breaking down, if you will,

The ghosts you bring with you.

These ghosts, beloved masters of your lives,

Are the thinking, the concepts, the thoughts,

The patterns of behavior,

Generated from within your mind,

Which imprison you in this world of illusion,

And keep you from the peace of which I speak.

So bear in mind,

We are not trying to take anything away from you,

Rather to help you dissolve barriers,

Barriers to the state of peace.

As we help you to break down these walls,

You will realize, first in thoughts,

But then, and this is the essence,

You shall EXPERIENCE the truth we bring.

You will experience it with knowing and certainty

At the deepest level of your being, :

\Far beyond the thoughts themselves.

In the knowing, in the certainty, in the experiencing,
barriers will truly dissolve. ,
And you shall be free.

You are here to learn to live,

Not to learn to think.

Indeed, you will discover with great rejoicing

That your thinking, in great measure,

Is what keeps you from being truly alive.

Ponder for a moment your idea of anything.

That idea, that thought, is but an interpretation.

It is a choice you make,

A choice which defines for you

That which you seem to be experiencing.

I have come to tell you, and hear this well,

That what you perceive, what you interpret,

Which is based upon your thoughts,

Has nothing whatsoever to do with reality.

This is a description of the major barrier

Which separates you from your peace.

In order for you to have a thought about something,

It is absolutely essential

That the thought be preceded by an experience.

Without the experience itself, the thought could not be born.

So it is that your thoughts are always interpretations,

Based not upon this moment,

But upon experiences you have had in what you call the past.

Love is freedom.

Recall those words.

Say them over and over and over again,

Until the day comes

When you shall experience them as your reality.

Every thought, every opinion,

Every interpretation which enters your mind

Is based upon what you perceive as the past.

Therefore, when you perceive anything,

What you are doing is saying,

"I am choosing to demand, insofar as I am able,

That this entity, this aspect of Creation,

Which by its nature exists in a state of freedom—

I am choosing to demand that this being


For when you, in your thinking,

Choose to interpret, based upon the past,

What another being IS,

And then believe that interpretation to be reality,

You have made yourself the enemy of that being's freedom.

For you are saying,

"I choose to demand, for my purposes,

That you be as you WERE,

Indeed, not even as you were, but as I PERCEIVED you were.

And now, this moment, you do not exist.

For you are, I tell you, what you WERE."

Do you see that this is the absence of love,

And the absence of freedom?

And if you wanted to be vicious,

You could even call it hatred.

Hear me well.

When you form an opinion of any aspect of Creation,


It is but your wish to rob the universe, and yourself,

Of freedom, and therefore, of love.

Thus A Course in Miracles says, "I see only the past." (L 7)

And, "I am never upset for the reason I think." (L 5)

Deep within you there is total peace.

There is the absence of conflict.

There is a wellspring of complete freedom, which is love,

And which must be synonymous with vibrant joy.

That is your right, that is your inheritance,

As the Son of God.

And nothing can take it away from you.

In your thinking,

You can choose to imagine that you do not have it.

Which is exactly what you have done.

Thus the purpose of all the initial lessons

Is to help you to experience the realization

That the absence of peace,

The presence of conflict,

The absence of love,

The absence of freedom,

All stem only from your imagination,

And ultimately, from your thinking,

Which must be of the past,

And which is your desire to deny freedom

To the entire universe, and to yourself.

You have come into this world, onto this earth,

To imagine what it would be like to live in a state of separation.

But deep within you is the knowing

That you are not separate from any aspect of Creation,

And can never be.

So at the deepest level of your truth,

You realize that your goal must be to overcome

That which you have come here to experience.

And that you SHALL do.

The doing shall require of you

That you be willing to challenge every value,

Every thought, every notion which you hold.

Do not fear. Rather rejoice.

For your willingness shall be the doorway

That opens unto love, and joy, and freedom.

I tell you, as you open your being to this Course in Miracles,

The barriers will dissolve,

And the world will take on new meaning.

Your life will blossom, and grow,

And expand into an eternity of immense joy,

Into a world of light,

And into an unfathomable beauty of which I cannot speak.

For truly, your minds cannot comprehend

The measure of that which is your right,

And your inheritance,

As the Son of God.

Blessings upon you all. That is all.
2010-08-11 00:36:58 UTC
I'm not gone yet so I guess "the moment" that I was here is still

Yes JBW really helped me understand how I created my dream of
separation out of joy. And so it helped me to understand how the
seeming "others" outside of me are doing the same as well. Completing
the idea that we are not victims of anything. But constant creators of
whatever experience we might want to have.

Right I'm trying to understand the relationship of Vision &
Forgiveness. Do you have any thoughts?

Love those books.
That make ACIM come alive and I "feel" it when I read them.
Well, I only have one. I once started to copy it all, so I'd have an
file. Not sure if there are any available. I think the adio is
available (to
buy) read by Kellie Love who did the first audio set of ACIM. I should
for it.
One place, Jeshua says we're not to learn the course, so we can then
it to others, like "teaching" them something with the words.
It's a personal experience and we can teach it through example. I
this. It's really the only way to teach anyone anything.
2010-08-11 01:43:04 UTC
"HappyMike" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:9c0b8524-2eb7-426f-a424-***@x18g2000pro.googlegroups.com...
I'm not gone yet so I guess "the moment" that I was here is still

Yes JBW really helped me understand how I created my dream of
separation out of joy. And so it helped me to understand how the
seeming "others" outside of me are doing the same as well. Completing
the idea that we are not victims of anything. But constant creators of
whatever experience we might want to have.

Right I'm trying to understand the relationship of Vision &
Forgiveness. Do you have any thoughts?

Don't mean it as a copout, but does it really matter? Do you have to
understand it, to do it and experience the results?
There's a line in the course somewhere, about "you think you have to
understand someone in order to love them, but if you love them you will
understand them".
You (and I) don't have to understand anything the course says (words
being so limited in this) to believe it and put it into our lives as best we
Not to say forgiving, and aligning with "Source" (Seek first the Kingdom)
doesn't beling Vision, or a new way of looking at things. Probably doesn't
mean using the body's eyes.
2010-08-11 13:57:15 UTC
Post by HappyMike
I'm not gone yet so I guess "the moment" that I was here is still
Yes JBW really helped me understand how I created my dream of
separation out of joy. And so it helped me to understand how the
seeming "others" outside of me are doing the same as well. Completing
the idea that we are not victims of anything. But constant creators of
whatever experience we might want to have.
Right I'm trying to understand  the relationship of Vision &
Forgiveness. Do you have any thoughts?
 Don't mean it as a copout, but does it really matter?  Do you have to
understand it, to do it and experience the results?
 There's a line in the course somewhere, about "you think you have to
understand someone in order to love them, but if you love them you will
understand them".
   You (and I) don't have to understand anything the course says (words
being so limited in this) to believe it and put it into our lives as best we
   Not to say forgiving, and aligning with "Source" (Seek first the Kingdom)
doesn't beling Vision, or a new way of looking at things. Probably doesn't
mean using the body's eyes.


The Vision I'm speaking of is not of the body It is beyond the bodies
senses. If you haven't experienced it you should in order to
understand it. My Course studies are not of an intellectual nature any
more but application. What I am saying is I feel that Vision is more
helpful than forgiveness because it seems that Vision is more
proactive approach to forgiveness, which is an undoing.
2010-08-11 15:10:43 UTC
Post by HappyMike
I'm not gone yet so I guess "the moment" that I was here is still
Yes JBW really helped me understand how I created my dream of
separation out of joy. And so it helped me to understand how the
seeming "others" outside of me are doing the same as well. Completing
the idea that we are not victims of anything. But constant creators of
whatever experience we might want to have.
Right I'm trying to understand the relationship of Vision &
Forgiveness. Do you have any thoughts?
Don't mean it as a copout, but does it really matter? Do you have to
understand it, to do it and experience the results?
There's a line in the course somewhere, about "you think you have to
understand someone in order to love them, but if you love them you will
understand them".
You (and I) don't have to understand anything the course says (words
being so limited in this) to believe it and put it into our lives as best we
Not to say forgiving, and aligning with "Source" (Seek first the Kingdom)
doesn't beling Vision, or a new way of looking at things. Probably doesn't
mean using the body's eyes.


The Vision I'm speaking of is not of the body It is beyond the bodies
senses. If you haven't experienced it you should in order to
understand it. My Course studies are not of an intellectual nature any
more but application. What I am saying is I feel that Vision is more
helpful than forgiveness because it seems that Vision is more
proactive approach to forgiveness, which is an undoing.

I think there are some things we can't and aren't supposed to understand.
Or try and figure out and put into words.
Like what our purpose is "here" (in the world of illusion). Marianne
Williamson once said (and maybe still does) "no matter what your job is,
what you think you are doing or should be doing, your real job is to love".
That seems simple.

I was looking over the workbook. I seem to remember someplace that says
some of the lessons (concepts) can't be understood by ego mind, and should
just be experienced. I think, at some point we do forget the words and just
align with, remember the "feelings" we get from the words (at one time) Like
the line about "journey beyond words".

I found this: (but this was written quite awhile ago, now. We have
moved on beyond words)

W-pI.184.9. It would indeed be strange if you were asked to go beyond
all symbols of the world, forgetting them forever; yet were asked to take a
teaching function. 2 You have need to use the symbols of the world a while.
3 But be you not deceived by them as well. 4 They do not stand for anything
at all, and in your practicing it is this thought that will release you from
them. 5 They become but means by which you can communicate in ways the world
can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true
communication can be found.

Putting "understand" in search (in the Workbook) brings it up many times.
So, there seems to be a place for "understanding".

I think the course has been in the world so long time (in the sense
there is "time") it's become form, at least for some. It's been turned into
various groups, and changed (slanted) and there have been "Guidelines" for
using it (supposedly from Jesus but filtered through the group that wants
them that way. Even though the group that supposedly got them from Jesus,
doesn't follow them, itself) The course, the books, the words, is really
kind of useless now. We don't teach it (and learn it) through the words,
and/or what others have made of them. We ( who want to know it and live it)
should be doing this by now. We have it in our being and the only way to
teach it (and thus keep learning it) is to live it.
The words were there at the start, to help guide us on the way, but the
words have turned into "form" now.
2010-08-12 01:09:43 UTC
Post by HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
I'm not gone yet so I guess "the moment" that I was here is still
Yes JBW really helped me understand how I created my dream of
separation out of joy. And so it helped me to understand how the
seeming "others" outside of me are doing the same as well. Completing
the idea that we are not victims of anything. But constant creators of
whatever experience we might want to have.
Right I'm trying to understand the relationship of Vision &
Forgiveness. Do you have any thoughts?
Don't mean it as a copout, but does it really matter? Do you have to
understand it, to do it and experience the results?
There's a line in the course somewhere, about "you think you have to
understand someone in order to love them, but if you love them you will
understand them".
You (and I) don't have to understand anything the course says (words
being so limited in this) to believe it and put it into our lives as best we
Not to say forgiving, and aligning with "Source" (Seek first the Kingdom)
doesn't beling Vision, or a new way of looking at things. Probably doesn't
mean using the body's eyes.
The Vision I'm speaking of is not of the body It is beyond the bodies
senses. If you haven't experienced it you should in order to
understand it. My Course studies are not of an intellectual nature any
more but application. What I am saying is I feel that Vision is more
helpful than forgiveness because it seems that Vision is more
proactive approach to forgiveness, which is an undoing.
   I think there are some things we can't and aren't supposed to understand.
Or try and figure out and put into words.
   Like what our purpose is "here" (in the world of illusion). Marianne
Williamson once said (and maybe still does) "no matter what your job is,
what you think you are doing or should be doing, your real job is to love".
    That seems simple.
    I was looking over the workbook. I seem to remember someplace that says
some of the lessons (concepts) can't be understood by ego mind, and should
just be experienced. I think, at some point we do forget the words and just
align with, remember the "feelings" we get from the words (at one time) Like
the line about "journey beyond words".
    I found this:  (but this was written quite awhile ago, now. We have
moved on beyond words)
     W-pI.184.9. It would indeed be strange if you were asked to go beyond
all symbols of the world, forgetting them forever; yet were asked to take a
teaching function. 2 You have need to use the symbols of the world a while.
3 But be you not deceived by them as well. 4 They do not stand for anything
at all, and in your practicing it is this thought that will release you from
them. 5 They become but means by which you can communicate in ways the world
can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true
communication can be found.
  Putting "understand" in search (in the Workbook) brings it up many times.
So, there seems to be a place for  "understanding".
    I think the course has been in the world so long time (in the sense
there is "time") it's become form, at least for some. It's been turned into
various groups, and changed (slanted) and  there have been "Guidelines" for
using it (supposedly from Jesus but filtered through the group that wants
them that way. Even though the group that supposedly got them from Jesus,
doesn't follow them, itself)  The course, the books, the words, is really
kind of useless now. We don't teach it (and learn it) through the words,
and/or what others have made of them. We ( who want to know it and live it)
should be doing this by now. We have it in our being and the only way to
teach it (and thus keep learning it) is to live it.
    The words were there at the start, to help guide us on the way, but the
words have turned into "form" now.

Yes. The words are only a reminder now. Vision is the choice
forgiveness is the result.

What other groups are on? Do you go to a 3d Course group?
2010-08-12 01:57:41 UTC
Post by HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
I'm not gone yet so I guess "the moment" that I was here is still
Yes JBW really helped me understand how I created my dream of
separation out of joy. And so it helped me to understand how the
seeming "others" outside of me are doing the same as well. Completing
the idea that we are not victims of anything. But constant creators of
whatever experience we might want to have.
Right I'm trying to understand the relationship of Vision &
Forgiveness. Do you have any thoughts?
Don't mean it as a copout, but does it really matter? Do you have to
understand it, to do it and experience the results?
There's a line in the course somewhere, about "you think you have to
understand someone in order to love them, but if you love them you will
understand them".
You (and I) don't have to understand anything the course says (words
being so limited in this) to believe it and put it into our lives as
Not to say forgiving, and aligning with "Source" (Seek first the Kingdom)
doesn't beling Vision, or a new way of looking at things. Probably doesn't
mean using the body's eyes.
The Vision I'm speaking of is not of the body It is beyond the bodies
senses. If you haven't experienced it you should in order to
understand it. My Course studies are not of an intellectual nature any
more but application. What I am saying is I feel that Vision is more
helpful than forgiveness because it seems that Vision is more
proactive approach to forgiveness, which is an undoing.
I think there are some things we can't and aren't supposed to understand.
Or try and figure out and put into words.
Like what our purpose is "here" (in the world of illusion). Marianne
Williamson once said (and maybe still does) "no matter what your job is,
what you think you are doing or should be doing, your real job is to love".
That seems simple.
I was looking over the workbook. I seem to remember someplace that says
some of the lessons (concepts) can't be understood by ego mind, and should
just be experienced. I think, at some point we do forget the words and just
align with, remember the "feelings" we get from the words (at one time) Like
the line about "journey beyond words".
I found this: (but this was written quite awhile ago, now. We have
moved on beyond words)
W-pI.184.9. It would indeed be strange if you were asked to go beyond
all symbols of the world, forgetting them forever; yet were asked to take a
teaching function. 2 You have need to use the symbols of the world a while.
3 But be you not deceived by them as well. 4 They do not stand for anything
at all, and in your practicing it is this thought that will release you from
them. 5 They become but means by which you can communicate in ways the world
can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true
communication can be found.
Putting "understand" in search (in the Workbook) brings it up many times.
So, there seems to be a place for "understanding".
I think the course has been in the world so long time (in the sense
there is "time") it's become form, at least for some. It's been turned into
various groups, and changed (slanted) and there have been "Guidelines" for
using it (supposedly from Jesus but filtered through the group that wants
them that way. Even though the group that supposedly got them from Jesus,
doesn't follow them, itself) The course, the books, the words, is really
kind of useless now. We don't teach it (and learn it) through the words,
and/or what others have made of them. We ( who want to know it and live it)
should be doing this by now. We have it in our being and the only way to
teach it (and thus keep learning it) is to live it.
The words were there at the start, to help guide us on the way, but the
words have turned into "form" now.

Yes. The words are only a reminder now. Vision is the choice
forgiveness is the result.

What other groups are on? Do you go to a 3d Course group?

Not really on groups too much. And never went to a 3d Course group.
Was on one for awhile that Robin/Bodhi has (a lot of the ex ng people are
on it like Sheryl and John L, same old same old) but all of a sudden Robin
up and starts explaining me to people (in the 3rd person like I wasn't
there) which he's done before. He invites me to his groups and at some point
does this. You know "I've known Carrie for years and she's always been this
way and I doubt she will ever change" (you know, I say something to start
trouble, or what I honestly "think, feel and believe" to me, if you aren't
honest and sincere (as opposed to phoney and fake?) what's the point and
what kind of discussion is that?) I don't stay around and argue with people
anymore. Since it was a moderated group (and posts and threads were taken
off for whatever reason, which to me is like a waste of time and effort
WRITING them- why bother) I just left. For some reason I'm still getting
some messages though. Like the spam and ad ones. Someone now is trying to
get donations to have ACIM books sent to prisoners who want them. Gee,
that's been going on since I first heard of ACIM. Anyone in prison who
wanted one could get one free. Yet they are making out like it's something
new. Anyway, I don't pay much attention to that stuff now, and those who
want to go on groups (at least moderated ones) and go in the same circles,
and piss someone off and get deleted, and all that, can do it. Not that they
need my permission.
I've never felt called to go to "in person" course groups. From what
I've heard, they seem to be the same as the online ones, with egos and
issues getting into it. And a moderator keeping it a certain way.

My passtion right now is Photoshop CS3 ! And, still taking pictures.
Doing as much as possible that's creative and feels good.
And, listening to Abraham (Hicks) tapes. Which is a help for those who
have decided "I live in a world, illusion or not, I am creating my own
reality with my thoughts, and why not have it the best I can".
Aren't you glad you asked? (LOL)
So, how about you...? Are you really "Happy"? (I mean as in joyful and
that stuff)
I don't think it does any good not to be.
2010-08-12 02:00:29 UTC
You know, Happy Mike, I just realized I feel happy just "talking" to you
(on here)
Maybe some of the others will read this and come back. Well, the ones who
enojoy talking and sharing and, well being happy, too. I'm in touch with a
few others, here and there. Some, I think are too burned out on what went on
here (past years) to feel good about it again.
But I tend to start every day (or every minute) new.
And so far, it seems pretty peaceful.
(don't turn on too many lights (LOL)
Post by HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
I'm not gone yet so I guess "the moment" that I was here is still
Yes JBW really helped me understand how I created my dream of
separation out of joy. And so it helped me to understand how the
seeming "others" outside of me are doing the same as well. Completing
the idea that we are not victims of anything. But constant creators of
whatever experience we might want to have.
Right I'm trying to understand the relationship of Vision &
Forgiveness. Do you have any thoughts?
Don't mean it as a copout, but does it really matter? Do you have to
understand it, to do it and experience the results?
There's a line in the course somewhere, about "you think you have to
understand someone in order to love them, but if you love them you will
understand them".
You (and I) don't have to understand anything the course says (words
being so limited in this) to believe it and put it into our lives as
Not to say forgiving, and aligning with "Source" (Seek first the Kingdom)
doesn't beling Vision, or a new way of looking at things. Probably doesn't
mean using the body's eyes.
The Vision I'm speaking of is not of the body It is beyond the bodies
senses. If you haven't experienced it you should in order to
understand it. My Course studies are not of an intellectual nature any
more but application. What I am saying is I feel that Vision is more
helpful than forgiveness because it seems that Vision is more
proactive approach to forgiveness, which is an undoing.
I think there are some things we can't and aren't supposed to understand.
Or try and figure out and put into words.
Like what our purpose is "here" (in the world of illusion). Marianne
Williamson once said (and maybe still does) "no matter what your job is,
what you think you are doing or should be doing, your real job is to love".
That seems simple.
I was looking over the workbook. I seem to remember someplace that says
some of the lessons (concepts) can't be understood by ego mind, and should
just be experienced. I think, at some point we do forget the words and just
align with, remember the "feelings" we get from the words (at one time) Like
the line about "journey beyond words".
I found this: (but this was written quite awhile ago, now. We have
moved on beyond words)
W-pI.184.9. It would indeed be strange if you were asked to go beyond
all symbols of the world, forgetting them forever; yet were asked to take a
teaching function. 2 You have need to use the symbols of the world a while.
3 But be you not deceived by them as well. 4 They do not stand for anything
at all, and in your practicing it is this thought that will release you from
them. 5 They become but means by which you can communicate in ways the world
can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true
communication can be found.
Putting "understand" in search (in the Workbook) brings it up many times.
So, there seems to be a place for "understanding".
I think the course has been in the world so long time (in the sense
there is "time") it's become form, at least for some. It's been turned into
various groups, and changed (slanted) and there have been "Guidelines" for
using it (supposedly from Jesus but filtered through the group that wants
them that way. Even though the group that supposedly got them from Jesus,
doesn't follow them, itself) The course, the books, the words, is really
kind of useless now. We don't teach it (and learn it) through the words,
and/or what others have made of them. We ( who want to know it and live it)
should be doing this by now. We have it in our being and the only way to
teach it (and thus keep learning it) is to live it.
The words were there at the start, to help guide us on the way, but the
words have turned into "form" now.

Yes. The words are only a reminder now. Vision is the choice
forgiveness is the result.

What other groups are on? Do you go to a 3d Course group?

Not really on groups too much. And never went to a 3d Course group.
Was on one for awhile that Robin/Bodhi has (a lot of the ex ng people are
on it like Sheryl and John L, same old same old) but all of a sudden Robin
up and starts explaining me to people (in the 3rd person like I wasn't
there) which he's done before. He invites me to his groups and at some point
does this. You know "I've known Carrie for years and she's always been this
way and I doubt she will ever change" (you know, I say something to start
trouble, or what I honestly "think, feel and believe" to me, if you aren't
honest and sincere (as opposed to phoney and fake?) what's the point and
what kind of discussion is that?) I don't stay around and argue with people
anymore. Since it was a moderated group (and posts and threads were taken
off for whatever reason, which to me is like a waste of time and effort
WRITING them- why bother) I just left. For some reason I'm still getting
some messages though. Like the spam and ad ones. Someone now is trying to
get donations to have ACIM books sent to prisoners who want them. Gee,
that's been going on since I first heard of ACIM. Anyone in prison who
wanted one could get one free. Yet they are making out like it's something
new. Anyway, I don't pay much attention to that stuff now, and those who
want to go on groups (at least moderated ones) and go in the same circles,
and piss someone off and get deleted, and all that, can do it. Not that they
need my permission.
I've never felt called to go to "in person" course groups. From what
I've heard, they seem to be the same as the online ones, with egos and
issues getting into it. And a moderator keeping it a certain way.

My passtion right now is Photoshop CS3 ! And, still taking pictures.
Doing as much as possible that's creative and feels good.
And, listening to Abraham (Hicks) tapes. Which is a help for those who
have decided "I live in a world, illusion or not, I am creating my own
reality with my thoughts, and why not have it the best I can".
Aren't you glad you asked? (LOL)
So, how about you...? Are you really "Happy"? (I mean as in joyful and
that stuff)
I don't think it does any good not to be.
2010-08-13 00:17:37 UTC
 You know, Happy Mike, I just realized I feel happy just "talking" to you
(on here)
  Maybe some of the others will read this and come back. Well, the ones who
enojoy talking and sharing and, well being happy, too. I'm in touch with a
few others, here and there. Some, I think are too burned out on what went on
here (past years) to feel good about it again.
     But I tend to start every day (or every minute) new.
     And so far, it seems pretty peaceful.
     (don't turn on too many lights (LOL)
Post by HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
I'm not gone yet so I guess "the moment" that I was here is still
Yes JBW really helped me understand how I created my dream of
separation out of joy. And so it helped me to understand how the
seeming "others" outside of me are doing the same as well. Completing
the idea that we are not victims of anything. But constant creators of
whatever experience we might want to have.
Right I'm trying to understand the relationship of Vision &
Forgiveness. Do you have any thoughts?
Don't mean it as a copout, but does it really matter? Do you have to
understand it, to do it and experience the results?
There's a line in the course somewhere, about "you think you have to
understand someone in order to love them, but if you love them you will
understand them".
You (and I) don't have to understand anything the course says (words
being so limited in this) to believe it and put it into our lives as
Not to say forgiving, and aligning with "Source" (Seek first the Kingdom)
doesn't beling Vision, or a new way of looking at things. Probably doesn't
mean using the body's eyes.
The Vision I'm speaking of is not of the body It is beyond the bodies
senses. If you haven't experienced it you should in order to
understand it. My Course studies are not of an intellectual nature any
more but application. What I am saying is I feel that Vision is more
helpful than forgiveness because it seems that Vision is more
proactive approach to forgiveness, which is an undoing.
I think there are some things we can't and aren't supposed to understand.
Or try and figure out and put into words.
Like what our purpose is "here" (in the world of illusion). Marianne
Williamson once said (and maybe still does) "no matter what your job is,
what you think you are doing or should be doing, your real job is to love".
That seems simple.
I was looking over the workbook. I seem to remember someplace that says
some of the lessons (concepts) can't be understood by ego mind, and should
just be experienced. I think, at some point we do forget the words and just
align with, remember the "feelings" we get from the words (at one time) Like
the line about "journey beyond words".
I found this: (but this was written quite awhile ago, now. We have
moved on beyond words)
W-pI.184.9. It would indeed be strange if you were asked to go beyond
all symbols of the world, forgetting them forever; yet were asked to take a
teaching function. 2 You have need to use the symbols of the world a while.
3 But be you not deceived by them as well. 4 They do not stand for anything
at all, and in your practicing it is this thought that will release you from
them. 5 They become but means by which you can communicate in ways the world
can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true
communication can be found.
Putting "understand" in search (in the Workbook) brings it up many times.
So, there seems to be a place for "understanding".
I think the course has been in the world so long time (in the sense
there is "time") it's become form, at least for some. It's been turned into
various groups, and changed (slanted) and there have been "Guidelines" for
using it (supposedly from Jesus but filtered through the group that wants
them that way. Even though the group that supposedly got them from Jesus,
doesn't follow them, itself) The course, the books, the words, is really
kind of useless now. We don't teach it (and learn it) through the words,
and/or what others have made of them. We ( who want to know it and live it)
should be doing this by now. We have it in our being and the only way to
teach it (and thus keep learning it) is to live it.
The words were there at the start, to help guide us on the way, but the
words have turned into "form" now.
Yes. The words are only a reminder now. Vision is the choice
forgiveness is the result.
What other groups are on?  Do you go to a 3d Course group?
 Not really on groups too much. And never went to a 3d Course group.
 Was on one for awhile that Robin/Bodhi has (a lot of the ex ng people are
on it like Sheryl and John L, same old same old) but all of a sudden Robin
up and starts explaining me to people (in the 3rd person like I wasn't
there) which he's done before. He invites me to his groups and at some point
does this. You know "I've known Carrie for years and she's always been this
way and I doubt she will ever change" (you know, I say something to start
trouble, or what I honestly "think, feel and believe" to me, if you aren't
honest and sincere (as opposed to phoney and fake?) what's the point and
what kind of discussion is that?) I don't stay around and argue with people
anymore.  Since it was a moderated group (and posts and threads were taken
off for whatever reason, which to me is like a waste of time and effort
WRITING them- why bother) I just left. For some reason I'm still getting
some messages though.  Like the spam and ad ones. Someone now is trying to
get donations to have ACIM books sent to prisoners who want them. Gee,
that's been going on since I first heard of ACIM. Anyone in prison who
wanted one could get one free. Yet they are making out like it's something
new. Anyway, I don't pay much attention to that stuff now, and those who
want to go on groups (at least moderated ones) and go in the same circles,
and piss someone off and get deleted, and all that, can do it. Not that they
need my permission.
    I've never felt called to go to "in person" course groups. From what
I've heard, they seem to be the same as the online ones, with egos and
issues getting into it. And a moderator keeping it a certain way.
   My passtion right now is Photoshop CS3 !  And, still taking pictures.
Doing as much as possible that's creative and feels good.
   And, listening to Abraham (Hicks) tapes. Which is a help for those who
have decided "I live in a world, illusion or not, I am creating my own
reality with my thoughts, and why not have it the best I can".
     Aren't you glad you asked? (LOL)
    So, how about you...?  Are you really "Happy"? (I mean as in joyful and
that stuff)
    I don't think it does any good not to be.
I thought I saw you on Facebook are you still there?
2010-08-13 13:09:20 UTC
Post by Carrie
You know, Happy Mike, I just realized I feel happy just "talking" to you
(on here)
Maybe some of the others will read this and come back. Well, the ones who
enojoy talking and sharing and, well being happy, too. I'm in touch with a
few others, here and there. Some, I think are too burned out on what went on
here (past years) to feel good about it again.
But I tend to start every day (or every minute) new.
And so far, it seems pretty peaceful.
(don't turn on too many lights (LOL)
Post by HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
I'm not gone yet so I guess "the moment" that I was here is still
Yes JBW really helped me understand how I created my dream of
separation out of joy. And so it helped me to understand how the
seeming "others" outside of me are doing the same as well. Completing
the idea that we are not victims of anything. But constant creators of
whatever experience we might want to have.
Right I'm trying to understand the relationship of Vision &
Forgiveness. Do you have any thoughts?
Don't mean it as a copout, but does it really matter? Do you have to
understand it, to do it and experience the results?
There's a line in the course somewhere, about "you think you have to
understand someone in order to love them, but if you love them you will
understand them".
You (and I) don't have to understand anything the course says (words
being so limited in this) to believe it and put it into our lives as
Not to say forgiving, and aligning with "Source" (Seek first the Kingdom)
doesn't beling Vision, or a new way of looking at things. Probably doesn't
mean using the body's eyes.
The Vision I'm speaking of is not of the body It is beyond the bodies
senses. If you haven't experienced it you should in order to
understand it. My Course studies are not of an intellectual nature any
more but application. What I am saying is I feel that Vision is more
helpful than forgiveness because it seems that Vision is more
proactive approach to forgiveness, which is an undoing.
I think there are some things we can't and aren't supposed to understand.
Or try and figure out and put into words.
Like what our purpose is "here" (in the world of illusion). Marianne
Williamson once said (and maybe still does) "no matter what your job is,
what you think you are doing or should be doing, your real job is to love".
That seems simple.
I was looking over the workbook. I seem to remember someplace that says
some of the lessons (concepts) can't be understood by ego mind, and should
just be experienced. I think, at some point we do forget the words and just
align with, remember the "feelings" we get from the words (at one time) Like
the line about "journey beyond words".
I found this: (but this was written quite awhile ago, now. We have
moved on beyond words)
W-pI.184.9. It would indeed be strange if you were asked to go beyond
all symbols of the world, forgetting them forever; yet were asked to
teaching function. 2 You have need to use the symbols of the world a while.
3 But be you not deceived by them as well. 4 They do not stand for anything
at all, and in your practicing it is this thought that will release you from
them. 5 They become but means by which you can communicate in ways the world
can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true
communication can be found.
Putting "understand" in search (in the Workbook) brings it up many times.
So, there seems to be a place for "understanding".
I think the course has been in the world so long time (in the sense
there is "time") it's become form, at least for some. It's been turned into
various groups, and changed (slanted) and there have been "Guidelines" for
using it (supposedly from Jesus but filtered through the group that wants
them that way. Even though the group that supposedly got them from Jesus,
doesn't follow them, itself) The course, the books, the words, is really
kind of useless now. We don't teach it (and learn it) through the words,
and/or what others have made of them. We ( who want to know it and live it)
should be doing this by now. We have it in our being and the only way to
teach it (and thus keep learning it) is to live it.
The words were there at the start, to help guide us on the way, but the
words have turned into "form" now.
Yes. The words are only a reminder now. Vision is the choice
forgiveness is the result.
What other groups are on? Do you go to a 3d Course group?
Not really on groups too much. And never went to a 3d Course group.
Was on one for awhile that Robin/Bodhi has (a lot of the ex ng people are
on it like Sheryl and John L, same old same old) but all of a sudden Robin
up and starts explaining me to people (in the 3rd person like I wasn't
there) which he's done before. He invites me to his groups and at some point
does this. You know "I've known Carrie for years and she's always been this
way and I doubt she will ever change" (you know, I say something to start
trouble, or what I honestly "think, feel and believe" to me, if you aren't
honest and sincere (as opposed to phoney and fake?) what's the point and
what kind of discussion is that?) I don't stay around and argue with people
anymore. Since it was a moderated group (and posts and threads were taken
off for whatever reason, which to me is like a waste of time and effort
WRITING them- why bother) I just left. For some reason I'm still getting
some messages though. Like the spam and ad ones. Someone now is trying to
get donations to have ACIM books sent to prisoners who want them. Gee,
that's been going on since I first heard of ACIM. Anyone in prison who
wanted one could get one free. Yet they are making out like it's something
new. Anyway, I don't pay much attention to that stuff now, and those who
want to go on groups (at least moderated ones) and go in the same circles,
and piss someone off and get deleted, and all that, can do it. Not that they
need my permission.
I've never felt called to go to "in person" course groups. From what
I've heard, they seem to be the same as the online ones, with egos and
issues getting into it. And a moderator keeping it a certain way.
My passtion right now is Photoshop CS3 ! And, still taking pictures.
Doing as much as possible that's creative and feels good.
And, listening to Abraham (Hicks) tapes. Which is a help for those who
have decided "I live in a world, illusion or not, I am creating my own
reality with my thoughts, and why not have it the best I can".
Aren't you glad you asked? (LOL)
So, how about you...? Are you really "Happy"? (I mean as in joyful and
that stuff)
I don't think it does any good not to be.
I thought I saw you on Facebook are you still there?

Sort of. I started an account because my kids put up pictures of their
kids, and it's easier than getting picture via email
I don't pay too much attention to it. Actually, I can't reallly figure it
out LOL Seems like I look on it one day and it's one way and another it's
another. I do have a few non family "friends" but no one seems to write too
much there.
I don't like how it collects so much info about people. Like if you
click on something it says you have to give permission for it to access your
personal info, and that of all your friends on it.
Did you ask to be on mine? I should look I don't pay too much attention
to that. A lot of times I get people who want to be my "friend" and give a
website, and it's biker chicks or something. Not that biker chicks don't
want friends.
2010-08-13 13:51:45 UTC
Post by Carrie
You know, Happy Mike, I just realized I feel happy just "talking" to you
(on here)
Maybe some of the others will read this and come back. Well, the ones who
enojoy talking and sharing and, well being happy, too. I'm in touch with a
few others, here and there. Some, I think are too burned out on what went on
here (past years) to feel good about it again.
But I tend to start every day (or every minute) new.
And so far, it seems pretty peaceful.
(don't turn on too many lights (LOL)
Post by HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
I'm not gone yet so I guess "the moment" that I was here is still
Yes JBW really helped me understand how I created my dream of
separation out of joy. And so it helped me to understand how the
seeming "others" outside of me are doing the same as well. Completing
the idea that we are not victims of anything. But constant creators of
whatever experience we might want to have.
Right I'm trying to understand the relationship of Vision &
Forgiveness. Do you have any thoughts?
Don't mean it as a copout, but does it really matter? Do you have to
understand it, to do it and experience the results?
There's a line in the course somewhere, about "you think you have to
understand someone in order to love them, but if you love them you will
understand them".
You (and I) don't have to understand anything the course says (words
being so limited in this) to believe it and put it into our lives as
Not to say forgiving, and aligning with "Source" (Seek first the Kingdom)
doesn't beling Vision, or a new way of looking at things. Probably doesn't
mean using the body's eyes.
The Vision I'm speaking of is not of the body It is beyond the bodies
senses. If you haven't experienced it you should in order to
understand it. My Course studies are not of an intellectual nature any
more but application. What I am saying is I feel that Vision is more
helpful than forgiveness because it seems that Vision is more
proactive approach to forgiveness, which is an undoing.
I think there are some things we can't and aren't supposed to understand.
Or try and figure out and put into words.
Like what our purpose is "here" (in the world of illusion). Marianne
Williamson once said (and maybe still does) "no matter what your job is,
what you think you are doing or should be doing, your real job is to love".
That seems simple.
I was looking over the workbook. I seem to remember someplace that says
some of the lessons (concepts) can't be understood by ego mind, and should
just be experienced. I think, at some point we do forget the words and just
align with, remember the "feelings" we get from the words (at one time) Like
the line about "journey beyond words".
I found this: (but this was written quite awhile ago, now. We have
moved on beyond words)
W-pI.184.9. It would indeed be strange if you were asked to go beyond
all symbols of the world, forgetting them forever; yet were asked to
teaching function. 2 You have need to use the symbols of the world a while.
3 But be you not deceived by them as well. 4 They do not stand for anything
at all, and in your practicing it is this thought that will release you from
them. 5 They become but means by which you can communicate in ways the world
can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true
communication can be found.
Putting "understand" in search (in the Workbook) brings it up many times.
So, there seems to be a place for "understanding".
I think the course has been in the world so long time (in the sense
there is "time") it's become form, at least for some. It's been turned into
various groups, and changed (slanted) and there have been "Guidelines" for
using it (supposedly from Jesus but filtered through the group that wants
them that way. Even though the group that supposedly got them from Jesus,
doesn't follow them, itself) The course, the books, the words, is really
kind of useless now. We don't teach it (and learn it) through the words,
and/or what others have made of them. We ( who want to know it and live it)
should be doing this by now. We have it in our being and the only way to
teach it (and thus keep learning it) is to live it.
The words were there at the start, to help guide us on the way, but the
words have turned into "form" now.
Yes. The words are only a reminder now. Vision is the choice
forgiveness is the result.
What other groups are on? Do you go to a 3d Course group?
Not really on groups too much. And never went to a 3d Course group.
Was on one for awhile that Robin/Bodhi has (a lot of the ex ng people are
on it like Sheryl and John L, same old same old) but all of a sudden Robin
up and starts explaining me to people (in the 3rd person like I wasn't
there) which he's done before. He invites me to his groups and at some point
does this. You know "I've known Carrie for years and she's always been this
way and I doubt she will ever change" (you know, I say something to start
trouble, or what I honestly "think, feel and believe" to me, if you aren't
honest and sincere (as opposed to phoney and fake?) what's the point and
what kind of discussion is that?) I don't stay around and argue with people
anymore. Since it was a moderated group (and posts and threads were taken
off for whatever reason, which to me is like a waste of time and effort
WRITING them- why bother) I just left. For some reason I'm still getting
some messages though. Like the spam and ad ones. Someone now is trying to
get donations to have ACIM books sent to prisoners who want them. Gee,
that's been going on since I first heard of ACIM. Anyone in prison who
wanted one could get one free. Yet they are making out like it's something
new. Anyway, I don't pay much attention to that stuff now, and those who
want to go on groups (at least moderated ones) and go in the same circles,
and piss someone off and get deleted, and all that, can do it. Not that they
need my permission.
I've never felt called to go to "in person" course groups. From what
I've heard, they seem to be the same as the online ones, with egos and
issues getting into it. And a moderator keeping it a certain way.
My passtion right now is Photoshop CS3 ! And, still taking pictures.
Doing as much as possible that's creative and feels good.
And, listening to Abraham (Hicks) tapes. Which is a help for those who
have decided "I live in a world, illusion or not, I am creating my own
reality with my thoughts, and why not have it the best I can".
Aren't you glad you asked? (LOL)
So, how about you...? Are you really "Happy"? (I mean as in joyful and
that stuff)
I don't think it does any good not to be.
I thought I saw you on Facebook are you still there?

Oh, maybe you mean the ACIM one? I don't think one joins this, just if you
click on it, it puts your name on. I couldn't find a way to look at all the
"friends" (who like it) I can't find anything on mine that shows people who
have asked to be on my wall.
I don't do much with FB and I'm not reallly interested in ACIM "friends"
(overall) I've developed a healthy respect for what people who write on ACIM
groups can be like.
I still check in this ng, but wouldn't hang around if what happened
before (at times) started again.
I think we get to thinking ACIM says if I see something a certain way,
it's "my fault" and have to change my mind about it, or put up with it.
Well, I am sure this is true, because I give everything all and any meaning
it has for me, but I don't have to hang around with those I see doing it (in
a negative way) while I change my mind LOL
That just feeds it and keeps it going.
Actually, I have developed a wariness of the internet overall.
Something, I think more "street smart" people do in the first year of
participating on it. Well, only took me 10 or 12....
2010-08-10 22:32:06 UTC
Then, the Light to which we refer

Is the state of being that is your reality.

It is a state of being which is unfettered, totally free, unbound.

When you live in that state, which you CAN do

On this earth

You will extend freedom and joy,

And peace, and absolute safety

To all beings.

All beings who come into your presence

Will know that in your presence, they are free.

They are free to be

Whatever it is they might be, or think, or feel,

Without judgment, without attack, and without disdainment.

They will know, in the absence of any attack from you,

That they can be at peace with whatever it is they would feel

And they will then know they are safe.

In the Light you extend to them

You must receive that selfsame Light in return.

You will, likewise, receive that same peace,

That same blessing that same freedom,

And that same knowledge that you are absolutely safe.

Journey Beyond Words pg. 105
2010-08-13 09:19:21 UTC
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
2010-08-13 20:54:15 UTC
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
2010-08-13 21:45:23 UTC
"Pieter" <***@zonnet.nl> wrote in message news:4c65b105$0$4727$***@news.tele2.nl...

Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
2010-08-14 13:24:20 UTC
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
  I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
  All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
2010-08-14 15:25:58 UTC
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.

Yep. Never will escape the One. :)))
2010-08-14 16:53:28 UTC
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.

I think that's the same thing, what I said.
We can't do anything about what we see "out there", OUT THERE.
2010-08-14 17:04:56 UTC
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
 I think that's the same thing, what I said.
 We can't do anything about what we see "out there", OUT THERE.
But luckily I can do something "in here"
2010-08-14 17:18:18 UTC
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
I think that's the same thing, what I said.
We can't do anything about what we see "out there", OUT THERE.
But luckily I can do something "in here"

Yes, that's what I meant, too.
2010-08-14 17:06:16 UTC
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
 I think that's the same thing, what I said.
 We can't do anything about what we see "out there", OUT THERE.
What do you guys think about one of us posting the course section by
section and then opening it up for discussion?
2010-08-14 17:21:05 UTC
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
I think that's the same thing, what I said.
We can't do anything about what we see "out there", OUT THERE.
What do you guys think about one of us posting the course section by
section and then opening it up for discussion?

I think you should do what you want, or feel good about doing.
And see what comes from there.
In my experience here, if I (or someone) posted something from the
course, it was usually ignored.
But then, there were other more exciting things going on at the time
Sometimes there's not really anything to say in response to the words.
Maybe that's why people would just read them and not respond.
It doesn't really have to be JUST the course, either.
I have several books that don't even mention ACIM, but I see the same
things being said in it.
I'm rereading one now, and keep thinking "this is the same thing".
2010-08-15 04:38:57 UTC
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 10:06:16 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
What do you guys think about one of us posting the course section by
section and then opening it up for discussion?
Which version do you suggest? : )

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-15 11:15:40 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 10:06:16 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
What do you guys think about one of us posting the course section by
section and then opening it up for discussion?
Which version do you suggest?  : )
Deborah (BC)
I personally don't care. But the JCIM version has more stuff in it.
How often should we post? once a day once every other day etc?

I'm not sure if I could post all the time but if the economy keeps
going the way it is I will.
2010-08-15 12:32:52 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 10:06:16 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
What do you guys think about one of us posting the course section by
section and then opening it up for discussion?
Which version do you suggest? : )
Deborah (BC)
I personally don't care. But the JCIM version has more stuff in it.
How often should we post? once a day once every other day etc?

I'm not sure if I could post all the time but if the economy keeps
going the way it is I will.

I like the JCIM too, it seems to have more and doesn't have the numbers in
the way.
But, let's not argue over the "form".I don't think it says anywhere in it,
that people should pick one version and try and make everyone else agree
about it (LOL)
2010-08-15 12:31:37 UTC
"Deborah" <***@anywhere.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 10:06:16 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
What do you guys think about one of us posting the course section by
section and then opening it up for discussion?
Which version do you suggest? : )

To me, it doesn't really matter.
There's also the idea of quotes from other sources that seems to say the
same things.
Not so much the words, but the feelings and sharing.

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-14 17:56:23 UTC
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:24:20 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
  I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
  All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
God is aware that some of the cups He created to pour Himself into
eternally have put lids on themselves, so to speak. But I can't see
where the course suggests God is projecting this state of affairs.

I don't see where the course says there is only One mind, either.
Seems to me the One-Mindedness of the Son of God is a matter of unity
- all minds in unity with God and each other.

One mind can be in unity while others are not, and I understand the
course to say this is the case now. Not every mind forgot to laugh at
the tiny mad idea of separation.

"6. It should especially be noted that God has only [one] Son. 2
If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part
of the whole Sonship. 3 The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum
of its parts. 4 However, this is obscured as long as any of its parts
is missing. 5 That is why the conflict cannot ultimately be resolved
until all the parts of the Sonship have returned. 6 Only then can the
meaning of wholeness in the true sense be understood. 7 Any part of
the Sonship can believe in error or incompleteness if he so chooses. 8
However, if he does so, he is believing in the existence of
nothingness. 9 The correction of this error is the Atonement."

Another quote that comes to mind, not from the course, is this one:

He drew a circle that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that took him in.

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-14 18:38:25 UTC
"Deborah" <***@anywhere.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:24:20 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
God is aware that some of the cups He created to pour Himself into
eternally have put lids on themselves, so to speak. But I can't see
where the course suggests God is projecting this state of affairs.

I don't see where the course says there is only One mind, either.
Seems to me the One-Mindedness of the Son of God is a matter of unity
- all minds in unity with God and each other.

One mind can be in unity while others are not, and I understand the
course to say this is the case now. Not every mind forgot to laugh at
the tiny mad idea of separation.

"6. It should especially be noted that God has only [one] Son. 2
If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part
of the whole Sonship. 3 The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum
of its parts. 4 However, this is obscured as long as any of its parts
is missing. 5 That is why the conflict cannot ultimately be resolved
until all the parts of the Sonship have returned. 6 Only then can the
meaning of wholeness in the true sense be understood. 7 Any part of
the Sonship can believe in error or incompleteness if he so chooses. 8
However, if he does so, he is believing in the existence of
nothingness. 9 The correction of this error is the Atonement."

Another quote that comes to mind, not from the course, is this one:

He drew a circle that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that took him in.

Deborah (BC)

Many years ago, when I first learned how to make websites, I wanted to put
a course quote on. I could have sworn I had read it in ACIM. I had jotted it
down in notes (but not the page number) I looked all through the course
(before I had the electronic file) and asked others and asked those who had
the file to search for it.
No one could find it.
I had had this happen before with another quote (I had written down a
little differently and and even the page number and when I went to look for
it nothing like that was on that page. I couldn't find it, I asked Beverly
H. at MDC, because I had no way to search at the time, and she said it
wasn't there- as I had remembered it, but not to worry, we see things in the
course we need to, when we need them...)
Anyway, the quote I couldn't find and never found the source of is.
"When someone moves out of your circle of love
draw a biger one".
I wrote about this once before and someone said it sounded like stalkng
people (with love) but I think it's mainly a "mind" thing like so much else
Like Hugh Prather's quote "forgiveness is a thought not (always) a
How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
2010-08-15 00:57:56 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:24:20 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
God is aware that some of the cups He created to pour Himself into
eternally have put lids on themselves, so to speak.  But I can't see
where the course suggests God is projecting this state of affairs.
I don't see where the course says there is only One mind, either.
Seems to me the One-Mindedness of the Son of God is a matter of unity
- all minds in unity with God and each other.
One mind can be in unity while others are not, and I understand the
course to say this is the case now.  Not every mind forgot to laugh at
the tiny mad idea of separation.
"6. It should especially be noted that God has only [one] Son. 2
If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part
of the whole Sonship. 3 The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum
of its parts. 4 However, this is obscured as long as any of its parts
is missing. 5 That is why the conflict cannot ultimately be resolved
until all the parts of the Sonship have returned. 6 Only then can the
meaning of wholeness in the true sense be understood. 7 Any part of
the Sonship can believe in error or incompleteness if he so chooses. 8
However, if he does so, he is believing in the existence of
nothingness. 9 The correction of this error is the Atonement."
He drew a circle that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that took him in.
Deborah (BC)
 Many years ago, when I first learned how to make websites, I wanted to put
a course quote on. I could have sworn I had read it in ACIM. I had jotted it
down in notes (but not the page number) I looked all through the course
(before I had the electronic file) and asked others and asked those who had
the file to search for it.
  No one could find it.
  I had had this happen before with another quote (I had written down a
little differently and and even the page number and when I went to look for
it nothing like that was on that page. I couldn't find it, I asked Beverly
H. at  MDC, because I had no way to search at the time, and she said it
wasn't there- as I had remembered it, but not to worry, we see things in the
course we need to, when we need them...)
  Anyway, the quote I couldn't find and never found the source of is.
   "When someone moves out of your circle of love
     draw a biger one".
  I wrote about this once before and someone said it sounded like stalkng
people (with love) but I think it's mainly a "mind" thing like so much else
  Like Hugh Prather's quote "forgiveness is a thought not (always) a
   How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?

Ya there is other material out there that can be confused with what
the Course says like I just found out thanks to Deborah.

Its a good lesson when talking about the Course to try not to let
those other teachings in for me.
2010-08-15 04:50:50 UTC
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 17:57:56 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Deborah
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:24:20 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
God is aware that some of the cups He created to pour Himself into
eternally have put lids on themselves, so to speak.  But I can't see
where the course suggests God is projecting this state of affairs.
I don't see where the course says there is only One mind, either.
Seems to me the One-Mindedness of the Son of God is a matter of unity
- all minds in unity with God and each other.
One mind can be in unity while others are not, and I understand the
course to say this is the case now.  Not every mind forgot to laugh at
the tiny mad idea of separation.
"6. It should especially be noted that God has only [one] Son. 2
If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part
of the whole Sonship. 3 The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum
of its parts. 4 However, this is obscured as long as any of its parts
is missing. 5 That is why the conflict cannot ultimately be resolved
until all the parts of the Sonship have returned. 6 Only then can the
meaning of wholeness in the true sense be understood. 7 Any part of
the Sonship can believe in error or incompleteness if he so chooses. 8
However, if he does so, he is believing in the existence of
nothingness. 9 The correction of this error is the Atonement."
He drew a circle that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that took him in.
Deborah (BC)
 Many years ago, when I first learned how to make websites, I wanted to put
a course quote on. I could have sworn I had read it in ACIM. I had jotted it
down in notes (but not the page number) I looked all through the course
(before I had the electronic file) and asked others and asked those who had
the file to search for it.
  No one could find it.
  I had had this happen before with another quote (I had written down a
little differently and and even the page number and when I went to look for
it nothing like that was on that page. I couldn't find it, I asked Beverly
H. at  MDC, because I had no way to search at the time, and she said it
wasn't there- as I had remembered it, but not to worry, we see things in the
course we need to, when we need them...)
  Anyway, the quote I couldn't find and never found the source of is.
   "When someone moves out of your circle of love
     draw a biger one".
  I wrote about this once before and someone said it sounded like stalkng
people (with love) but I think it's mainly a "mind" thing like so much else
  Like Hugh Prather's quote "forgiveness is a thought not (always) a
   How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
Ya there is other material out there that can be confused with what
the Course says like I just found out thanks to Deborah.
Its a good lesson when talking about the Course to try not to let
those other teachings in for me.
Yes. There is a point at which every path converges (all roads lead
to Rome), but that is not something we can just jump to. What that
point is, exactly, I would rather let the path I have chosen lead me
to, than let somebody who presumes to "know" tell me to forget my path
and just jump to wherever they think they know is "it".

(If you can make any sense of the above paragraph my hat is off to

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-15 12:39:29 UTC
"Deborah" <***@anywhere.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 17:57:56 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Deborah
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:24:20 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
God is aware that some of the cups He created to pour Himself into
eternally have put lids on themselves, so to speak. But I can't see
where the course suggests God is projecting this state of affairs.
I don't see where the course says there is only One mind, either.
Seems to me the One-Mindedness of the Son of God is a matter of unity
- all minds in unity with God and each other.
One mind can be in unity while others are not, and I understand the
course to say this is the case now. Not every mind forgot to laugh at
the tiny mad idea of separation.
"6. It should especially be noted that God has only [one] Son. 2
If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part
of the whole Sonship. 3 The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum
of its parts. 4 However, this is obscured as long as any of its parts
is missing. 5 That is why the conflict cannot ultimately be resolved
until all the parts of the Sonship have returned. 6 Only then can the
meaning of wholeness in the true sense be understood. 7 Any part of
the Sonship can believe in error or incompleteness if he so chooses. 8
However, if he does so, he is believing in the existence of
nothingness. 9 The correction of this error is the Atonement."
He drew a circle that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that took him in.
Deborah (BC)
Many years ago, when I first learned how to make websites, I wanted to put
a course quote on. I could have sworn I had read it in ACIM. I had jotted it
down in notes (but not the page number) I looked all through the course
(before I had the electronic file) and asked others and asked those who had
the file to search for it.
No one could find it.
I had had this happen before with another quote (I had written down a
little differently and and even the page number and when I went to look for
it nothing like that was on that page. I couldn't find it, I asked Beverly
H. at MDC, because I had no way to search at the time, and she said it
wasn't there- as I had remembered it, but not to worry, we see things in the
course we need to, when we need them...)
Anyway, the quote I couldn't find and never found the source of is.
"When someone moves out of your circle of love
draw a biger one".
I wrote about this once before and someone said it sounded like stalkng
people (with love) but I think it's mainly a "mind" thing like so much else
Like Hugh Prather's quote "forgiveness is a thought not (always) a
How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
Ya there is other material out there that can be confused with what
the Course says like I just found out thanks to Deborah.
Its a good lesson when talking about the Course to try not to let
those other teachings in for me.
Yes. There is a point at which every path converges (all roads lead
to Rome), but that is not something we can just jump to. What that
point is, exactly, I would rather let the path I have chosen lead me
to, than let somebody who presumes to "know" tell me to forget my path
and just jump to wherever they think they know is "it".

(If you can make any sense of the above paragraph my hat is off to

I think you are saying the same thing I have been. Only I'm saying it in
another way, like don't let the idea it's another work, different words, but
saying the same thing, get in the way.
As to the teachers who think they know what the course says and means
(and some of them seem to make a good living from telling others what it
really means, what "Jesus REALLY meant" etc) seems like the course says
somewhere (or implies) it's an "individualized curriculumn".
The book HappyMike quoted from "Journey Beyond Words" says it's a
"course book". And I believe it is. It has references all through it to the
course book, like what the chapters in JBW align with in the course book.
The title "Journey Beyond Words" is from the course.
I know someone who was going to course groups with Brent Haskell when he
was channeling this (Jeshua)
To me, that book relates to and even continues the course. Several
others, too. There's a 3 book set "Conversations with JC" by Grady Claire
Porter, for example.
I've been rereading an old book "The Prospering Power of Love" by
Catherine Ponder, and coming to the same things that the course says. Wayne
Dyer is another one who writes the same thing (different words) like "I am a
spiritual being having a physical experience" and our only real goal is Love
(Connection to Source)
Why does it matter what the words say, the words are form (symbols twice
That said, I hope I never come across as one who tries to push what I
believe on someone else. Because I know how I feel about someone doing that
to me.

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-15 05:08:17 UTC
Post by Deborah
   How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
She is still enjoying her life. She'll be turning 90 this November.

I am much better than I was when I was writing here last. After I was
finished the 8 month course of immuno-suppressants, the treatment
finally kicked in. I had to throw out Plan "A" (shed the body) and go
to Plan "B" (make the best of it since my experience of the physical
plane continues).

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-15 12:43:55 UTC
Post by Carrie
How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
She is still enjoying her life. She'll be turning 90 this November.

I am much better than I was when I was writing here last. After I was
finished the 8 month course of immuno-suppressants, the treatment
finally kicked in. I had to throw out Plan "A" (shed the body) and go
to Plan "B" (make the best of it since my experience of the physical
plane continues).

Oh that's wonderful. (actually, writing that, I think I don't really
know if it's wonderful or not. In worldly terms it is)
I can relate to what you say about "make the best of it". I kind of
feel like that, too, and I wasn't sick like you were.
Sometimes it just seems like "what's the point?"
I remember Marianne Williamson saying once (on a tape of one of ther
talks) "no matter what you are doing in life, like a job, or not having a
job, or whatever the condition, your real job is the LOVE".
Sometimes I feel frustrated because I can never seem to put what I want
(whatever that is) into concrete terms, and make a plan to do it.
There's a place in the course that says "a healed mind doesn't plan".
I guess this is where one day (or minute) at a time comes into it.
We can just have faith there's some reason for it all, and we are a
part of it.

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-17 00:28:49 UTC
Post by Deborah
   How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
She is still enjoying her life.  She'll be turning 90 this November.
I am much better than I was when I was writing here last.  After I was
finished the 8 month course of immuno-suppressants, the treatment
finally kicked in.  I had to throw out Plan "A" (shed the body) and go
to Plan "B" (make the best of it since my experience of the physical
plane continues).
Deborah (BC)

Hey Deborah. I don't know you history very well and I didn't want this
post to go past without responding. How are you? How are you doing
with this?
2010-08-17 06:48:37 UTC
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 17:28:49 -0700 (PDT), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
   How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
She is still enjoying her life.  She'll be turning 90 this November.
I am much better than I was when I was writing here last.  After I was
finished the 8 month course of immuno-suppressants, the treatment
finally kicked in.  I had to throw out Plan "A" (shed the body) and go
to Plan "B" (make the best of it since my experience of the physical
plane continues).
Deborah (BC)
Hey Deborah. I don't know you history very well and I didn't want this
post to go past without responding. How are you? How are you doing
with this?
Okay, you've responded : ) Like I said, I'm making the best of it.

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-19 05:41:31 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 17:28:49 -0700 (PDT), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
   How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
She is still enjoying her life.  She'll be turning 90 this November.
I am much better than I was when I was writing here last.  After I was
finished the 8 month course of immuno-suppressants, the treatment
finally kicked in.  I had to throw out Plan "A" (shed the body) and go
to Plan "B" (make the best of it since my experience of the physical
plane continues).
Deborah (BC)
Hey Deborah. I don't know you history very well and I didn't want this
post to go past without responding. How are you? How are you doing
with this?
Okay, you've responded : ) Like I said, I'm making the best of it.
Deborah (BC)
Hmm. I guess I'm supposed to say more, or there will be no further

The history you've missed is I just about off'd myself with a serious
auto-immune disease, but it is apparently in remission, now. All the
symptoms are gone, except there is a hangover of nerve damage in my
feet and my right (dominant) hand, which both my GP and my neurologist
tell me is permanent. I choose to challenge their belief about that,
because I have absolutely no use for it. They said I would benefit
from exercise because the nerves feed the muscles and the muscles in
and around the nerve damaged extremities are or will become atrophied.
Building musculature is my best defense. So off I went to the Aquatic
Centre, which also has a fitness room aka gym. I do a 45 minute
workout in the gym and swim a kilometer of front crawl, every other

When I do my crunches I have to more or less just drop myself onto the
mat and, until very recently, when I got up I had to first roll over
so I could get into a kneeling position and then use something for
leverage to pull myself up. But recently I began to be able to get up
in a more or less normal fashion. I look like I weigh a hundred
pounds more than I do, in the process, but I can do it, now.

So that's how I am with it - in a physio-therapy phase that is

This weekend I'm going to a concert at the PNE in Vancouver, and I'm
going to board the ferry as a foot passenger, without so much as a
cane for support. There's going to be a lot of walking, possibly a
lot of standing. Considering that as recently as 3 months ago I
couldn't get around my own home without a 4-wheel walker, I'm much

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-19 16:23:34 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 17:28:49 -0700 (PDT), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
   How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
She is still enjoying her life.  She'll be turning 90 this November.
I am much better than I was when I was writing here last.  After I was
finished the 8 month course of immuno-suppressants, the treatment
finally kicked in.  I had to throw out Plan "A" (shed the body) and go
to Plan "B" (make the best of it since my experience of the physical
plane continues).
Deborah (BC)
Hey Deborah. I don't know you history very well and I didn't want this
post to go past without responding. How are you? How are you doing
with this?
Okay, you've responded : )  Like I said, I'm making the best of it.
Deborah (BC)
Hmm.  I guess I'm supposed to say more, or there will be no further
The history you've missed is I just about off'd myself with a serious
auto-immune disease, but it is apparently in remission, now.  All the
symptoms are gone, except there is a hangover of nerve damage in my
feet and my right (dominant) hand, which both my GP and my neurologist
tell me is permanent.  I choose to challenge their belief about that,
because I have absolutely no use for it.  They said I would benefit
from exercise because the nerves feed the muscles and the muscles in
and around the nerve damaged extremities are or will become atrophied.
Building musculature is my best defense.  So off I went to the Aquatic
Centre, which also has a fitness room aka gym.  I do a 45 minute
workout in the gym and swim a kilometer of front crawl, every other
When I do my crunches I have to more or less just drop myself onto the
mat and, until very recently, when I got up I had to first roll over
so I could get into a kneeling position and then use something for
leverage to pull myself up.  But recently I began to be able to get up
in a more or less normal fashion.  I look like I weigh a hundred
pounds more than I do, in the process, but I can do it, now.
So that's how I am with it - in a physio-therapy phase that is
This weekend I'm going to a concert at the PNE in Vancouver, and I'm
going to board the ferry as a foot passenger, without so much as a
cane for support.  There's going to be a lot of walking, possibly a
lot of standing.  Considering that as recently as 3 months ago I
couldn't get around my own home without a 4-wheel walker, I'm much
Deborah (BC)
I thought maybe I had gotten to personal especially on a NG as
notorious as this one has been. But things have defiantly calmed down
around here thats for sure! We all have our trials in life. I wish you
the best with this one. I agree with you about not believing the
doctors and will hold that thought for you.

Are you going to see Byan Adams & the Beach Boys?
We tried to take the Ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria once but
missed it by 5 minutes. We didn't want to wait around for the next one
so we traveled home by coast all the way back down to the SF bay. We
had all ready been up in the Seattle area for a while. Have you ever
been to Levenworth WA?
2010-08-19 18:32:54 UTC
On Thu, 19 Aug 2010 09:23:34 -0700 (PDT), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 17:28:49 -0700 (PDT), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
   How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
She is still enjoying her life.  She'll be turning 90 this November.
I am much better than I was when I was writing here last.  After I was
finished the 8 month course of immuno-suppressants, the treatment
finally kicked in.  I had to throw out Plan "A" (shed the body) and go
to Plan "B" (make the best of it since my experience of the physical
plane continues).
Deborah (BC)
Hey Deborah. I don't know you history very well and I didn't want this
post to go past without responding. How are you? How are you doing
with this?
Okay, you've responded : )  Like I said, I'm making the best of it.
Deborah (BC)
Hmm.  I guess I'm supposed to say more, or there will be no further
The history you've missed is I just about off'd myself with a serious
auto-immune disease, but it is apparently in remission, now.  All the
symptoms are gone, except there is a hangover of nerve damage in my
feet and my right (dominant) hand, which both my GP and my neurologist
tell me is permanent.  I choose to challenge their belief about that,
because I have absolutely no use for it.  They said I would benefit
from exercise because the nerves feed the muscles and the muscles in
and around the nerve damaged extremities are or will become atrophied.
Building musculature is my best defense.  So off I went to the Aquatic
Centre, which also has a fitness room aka gym.  I do a 45 minute
workout in the gym and swim a kilometer of front crawl, every other
When I do my crunches I have to more or less just drop myself onto the
mat and, until very recently, when I got up I had to first roll over
so I could get into a kneeling position and then use something for
leverage to pull myself up.  But recently I began to be able to get up
in a more or less normal fashion.  I look like I weigh a hundred
pounds more than I do, in the process, but I can do it, now.
So that's how I am with it - in a physio-therapy phase that is
This weekend I'm going to a concert at the PNE in Vancouver, and I'm
going to board the ferry as a foot passenger, without so much as a
cane for support.  There's going to be a lot of walking, possibly a
lot of standing.  Considering that as recently as 3 months ago I
couldn't get around my own home without a 4-wheel walker, I'm much
Deborah (BC)
I thought maybe I had gotten to personal especially on a NG as
notorious as this one has been. But things have defiantly calmed down
around here thats for sure! We all have our trials in life.
Is life in this world composed of anything else?
Post by HappyD
I wish you
the best with this one. I agree with you about not believing the
doctors and will hold that thought for you.
Are you going to see Byan Adams & the Beach Boys?
No. Not them.
Post by HappyD
We tried to take the Ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria once but
missed it by 5 minutes. We didn't want to wait around for the next one
so we traveled home by coast all the way back down to the SF bay. We
had all ready been up in the Seattle area for a while. Have you ever
been to Levenworth WA?
I have never been down the west coast of WA, though I have heard over
and over what a beautiful drive that is. I have only taken the
freeway through WA, OR and CA (I-5?). Don't recall any "Levenworth".
Something special about it?

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-19 21:47:21 UTC
Deborah (BC)
 Don't recall any "Levenworth" Something special about it?


I think so. I've been there twice.. It is modeled after a Bavarian
Village with a lot of products from the Black Forest. coo-coo clocks
nutcrackers & german food etc. With the back drop of the Cascade
Mountains. Its a nice getaway.
mr bill
2010-08-21 05:42:05 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Thu, 19 Aug 2010 09:23:34 -0700 (PDT), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 17:28:49 -0700 (PDT), HappyD
Post by HappyD
Post by Deborah
   How are things Deborah BC? How is your Mom?
She is still enjoying her life.  She'll be turning 90 this November.
I am much better than I was when I was writing here last.  After I was
finished the 8 month course of immuno-suppressants, the treatment
finally kicked in.  I had to throw out Plan "A" (shed the body) and go
to Plan "B" (make the best of it since my experience of the physical
plane continues).
Deborah (BC)
Hey Deborah. I don't know you history very well and I didn't want this
post to go past without responding. How are you? How are you doing
with this?
Okay, you've responded : )  Like I said, I'm making the best of it.
Deborah (BC)
Hmm.  I guess I'm supposed to say more, or there will be no further
The history you've missed is I just about off'd myself with a serious
auto-immune disease, but it is apparently in remission, now.  All the
symptoms are gone, except there is a hangover of nerve damage in my
feet and my right (dominant) hand, which both my GP and my neurologist
tell me is permanent.  I choose to challenge their belief about that,
because I have absolutely no use for it.  They said I would benefit
from exercise because the nerves feed the muscles and the muscles in
and around the nerve damaged extremities are or will become atrophied.
Building musculature is my best defense.  So off I went to the Aquatic
Centre, which also has a fitness room aka gym.  I do a 45 minute
workout in the gym and swim a kilometer of front crawl, every other
When I do my crunches I have to more or less just drop myself onto the
mat and, until very recently, when I got up I had to first roll over
so I could get into a kneeling position and then use something for
leverage to pull myself up.  But recently I began to be able to get up
in a more or less normal fashion.  I look like I weigh a hundred
pounds more than I do, in the process, but I can do it, now.
So that's how I am with it - in a physio-therapy phase that is
This weekend I'm going to a concert at the PNE in Vancouver, and I'm
going to board the ferry as a foot passenger, without so much as a
cane for support.  There's going to be a lot of walking, possibly a
lot of standing.  Considering that as recently as 3 months ago I
couldn't get around my own home without a 4-wheel walker, I'm much
Deborah (BC)
I thought maybe I had gotten to personal  especially on a NG as
notorious as this one has been. But things have defiantly calmed down
around here thats for sure! We all have our trials in life.
Is life in this world composed of anything else?
Post by HappyD
I wish you
the best with this one. I agree with you about not believing the
doctors and will hold that thought for you.
Are you going to see Byan Adams & the Beach Boys?
No.  Not them.
Post by HappyD
We tried to take the Ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria once but
missed it by 5 minutes. We didn't want to wait around for the next one
so we traveled home by coast all the way back down to the SF bay. We
had all ready been up in the Seattle area for a while. Have you ever
been to Levenworth WA?
I have never been down the west coast of WA, though I have heard over
and over what a beautiful drive that is.  I have only taken the
freeway through WA, OR and CA (I-5?).  Don't recall any "Levenworth".
Something special about it?
Deborah (BC)
i am very glad that you weathered your health storm
2010-08-15 00:54:41 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:24:20 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
  I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
  All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
God is aware that some of the cups He created to pour Himself into
eternally have put lids on themselves, so to speak.  But I can't see
where the course suggests God is projecting this state of affairs.
I don't see where the course says there is only One mind, either.
Seems to me the One-Mindedness of the Son of God is a matter of unity
- all minds in unity with God and each other.
One mind can be in unity while others are not, and I understand the
course to say this is the case now.  Not every mind forgot to laugh at
the tiny mad idea of separation.  
"6.        It should especially be noted that God has only [one] Son. 2
If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part
of the whole Sonship. 3 The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum
of its parts. 4 However, this is obscured as long as any of its parts
is missing. 5 That is why the conflict cannot ultimately be resolved
until all the parts of the Sonship have returned. 6 Only then can the
meaning of wholeness in the true sense be understood. 7 Any part of
the Sonship can believe in error or incompleteness if he so chooses. 8
However, if he does so, he is believing in the existence of
nothingness. 9 The correction of this error is the Atonement."
He drew a circle that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that took him in.
Deborah (BC)
I can definitely see you point and I agree with what you are saying.

I'm listening to JBW which is, not the Course, and it made the
statement "that there is only one mind" So I was quoting it.

When I searched the Concordance of the Course I did not see any
reference that would uphold the JBW quote so I'll have to side with
you on this. I did find one quote in the Course that seemed close but
I don't think its enough to turn the debate.

Lesson 161: One brother is all brothers. Every mind contains all
minds, for every mind is one. Such is the truth

2010-08-15 04:44:55 UTC
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 17:54:41 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Deborah
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:24:20 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
  I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
  All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
God is aware that some of the cups He created to pour Himself into
eternally have put lids on themselves, so to speak.  But I can't see
where the course suggests God is projecting this state of affairs.
I don't see where the course says there is only One mind, either.
Seems to me the One-Mindedness of the Son of God is a matter of unity
- all minds in unity with God and each other.
One mind can be in unity while others are not, and I understand the
course to say this is the case now.  Not every mind forgot to laugh at
the tiny mad idea of separation.  
"6.        It should especially be noted that God has only [one] Son. 2
If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part
of the whole Sonship. 3 The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum
of its parts. 4 However, this is obscured as long as any of its parts
is missing. 5 That is why the conflict cannot ultimately be resolved
until all the parts of the Sonship have returned. 6 Only then can the
meaning of wholeness in the true sense be understood. 7 Any part of
the Sonship can believe in error or incompleteness if he so chooses. 8
However, if he does so, he is believing in the existence of
nothingness. 9 The correction of this error is the Atonement."
He drew a circle that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that took him in.
Deborah (BC)
I can definitely see you point and I agree with what you are saying.
I'm listening to JBW which is, not the Course, and it made the
statement "that there is only one mind" So I was quoting it.
When I searched the Concordance of the Course I did not see any
reference that would uphold the JBW quote so I'll have to side with
you on this. I did find one quote in the Course that seemed close but
I don't think its enough to turn the debate.
Lesson 161: One brother is all brothers. Every mind contains all
minds, for every mind is one. Such is the truth
Sigh... Brings us straight back to the One vs the many. It seems the
course is saying both are true. And it doesn't even seem to be saying
one is true on the level of knowledge while the other is true on the
level of perception. It seems to be saying both are true on the level
of knowledge. HOW they can both be true is beyond me at the present

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-15 12:44:27 UTC
"Deborah" <***@anywhere.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 17:54:41 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Deborah
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:24:20 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
God is aware that some of the cups He created to pour Himself into
eternally have put lids on themselves, so to speak. But I can't see
where the course suggests God is projecting this state of affairs.
I don't see where the course says there is only One mind, either.
Seems to me the One-Mindedness of the Son of God is a matter of unity
- all minds in unity with God and each other.
One mind can be in unity while others are not, and I understand the
course to say this is the case now. Not every mind forgot to laugh at
the tiny mad idea of separation.
"6. It should especially be noted that God has only [one] Son. 2
If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part
of the whole Sonship. 3 The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum
of its parts. 4 However, this is obscured as long as any of its parts
is missing. 5 That is why the conflict cannot ultimately be resolved
until all the parts of the Sonship have returned. 6 Only then can the
meaning of wholeness in the true sense be understood. 7 Any part of
the Sonship can believe in error or incompleteness if he so chooses. 8
However, if he does so, he is believing in the existence of
nothingness. 9 The correction of this error is the Atonement."
He drew a circle that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that took him in.
Deborah (BC)
I can definitely see you point and I agree with what you are saying.
I'm listening to JBW which is, not the Course, and it made the
statement "that there is only one mind" So I was quoting it.
When I searched the Concordance of the Course I did not see any
reference that would uphold the JBW quote so I'll have to side with
you on this. I did find one quote in the Course that seemed close but
I don't think its enough to turn the debate.
Lesson 161: One brother is all brothers. Every mind contains all
minds, for every mind is one. Such is the truth
Sigh... Brings us straight back to the One vs the many. It seems the
course is saying both are true. And it doesn't even seem to be saying
one is true on the level of knowledge while the other is true on the
level of perception. It seems to be saying both are true on the level
of knowledge. HOW they can both be true is beyond me at the present
We can't comprehend some of it with ego minds...

Deborah (BC)
2010-08-17 08:48:05 UTC
Post by Deborah
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 17:54:41 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Deborah
On Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:24:20 -0700 (PDT), HappyMike
Post by HappyMike
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Not true according to the Course. There is only One mind. If I see a
block in an "other" it is because its in myself. No escape from that.
God is aware that some of the cups He created to pour Himself into
eternally have put lids on themselves, so to speak. But I can't see
where the course suggests God is projecting this state of affairs.
I don't see where the course says there is only One mind, either.
Seems to me the One-Mindedness of the Son of God is a matter of unity
- all minds in unity with God and each other.
One mind can be in unity while others are not, and I understand the
course to say this is the case now. Not every mind forgot to laugh at
the tiny mad idea of separation.
"6. It should especially be noted that God has only [one] Son. 2
If all His creations are His Sons, every one must be an integral part
of the whole Sonship. 3 The Sonship in its Oneness transcends the sum
of its parts. 4 However, this is obscured as long as any of its parts
is missing. 5 That is why the conflict cannot ultimately be resolved
until all the parts of the Sonship have returned. 6 Only then can the
meaning of wholeness in the true sense be understood. 7 Any part of
the Sonship can believe in error or incompleteness if he so chooses. 8
However, if he does so, he is believing in the existence of
nothingness. 9 The correction of this error is the Atonement."
He drew a circle that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle that took him in.
Deborah (BC)
I can definitely see you point and I agree with what you are saying.
I'm listening to JBW which is, not the Course, and it made the
statement "that there is only one mind" So I was quoting it.
When I searched the Concordance of the Course I did not see any
reference that would uphold the JBW quote so I'll have to side with
you on this. I did find one quote in the Course that seemed close but
I don't think its enough to turn the debate.
Lesson 161: One brother is all brothers. Every mind contains all
minds, for every mind is one. Such is the truth
Sigh... Brings us straight back to the One vs the many. It seems the
course is saying both are true. And it doesn't even seem to be saying
one is true on the level of knowledge while the other is true on the
level of perception. It seems to be saying both are true on the level
of knowledge. HOW they can both be true is beyond me at the present
With respect to our will it is easy to understand.
People can be of one will with respect to something;
then their will is the same, each having it individually.
Whomever you ask of them: their will is the same.
Shared Oneness of will.
Post by Deborah
Deborah (BC)
2010-10-12 14:36:42 UTC
Post by Deborah
Sigh... Brings us straight back to the One vs the many. It seems the
course is saying both are true. And it doesn't even seem to be saying
one is true on the level of knowledge while the other is true on the
level of perception. It seems to be saying both are true on the level
of knowledge. HOW they can both be true is beyond me at the present
Ultimately, it doesn't matter (altho, I have my own opinion as to the
one-or-many question). The practice of forgiveness covers either.


2010-08-16 06:49:36 UTC
Post by Pieter
Read: 'blocks'.
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
(btw: THERE IS NO 31st of SEPTEMBER)
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
I don't think it really matters, if there are blocks they are his.
Blocks of course are of someone;
they are in the mind of the split-minded.
Post by Pieter
All we can do is be aware of our own.
Sure! The blocks I think to see in others are mine.
2010-09-20 00:07:00 UTC
On Fri Aug 13 2010 11:19:21 GMT+0200
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
Well, Pieter :) can't recall ever
seeing you smiling here in the NG
2010-09-20 07:38:01 UTC
Post by expires
On Fri Aug 13 2010 11:19:21 GMT+0200
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
Well, Pieter :) can't recall ever
seeing you smiling here in the NG
- Never saw you eating here. :-)
2010-09-20 09:27:56 UTC
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
Post by Pieter
Post by expires
Dear Carrie, and whoever/all,
basically, fundamentally, you
ALWAYS ONLY meet yourself.
- Do you experience this with everyone
in practical life (and in this newsgroup)?
If not, there are still block to be removed
before the theoretical knowledge gets
practical value and becomes living truth.
Post by expires
So, _all_ FUSS is a FARCE ;-))
Well, Pieter :) can't recall ever
seeing you smiling here in the NG
- Never saw you eating here. :-)
very good :-)