Post by PieterPost by PieterImo conflict is only possible when focusing on form.
If one wants to go Home, the focus has to be on content.
So when I, for example, read a post here, I should always
only look for the content of it. What does the writer convey?
According to the Holy Spirit it can only be either love or
a call for love. That is something to at least keep in mind.
In any case there is no question of attack or conflict at all.
That is but the surface (in truth: illusion) the Course asks us
to look past.
- Any comment is welcome!
Content and form isn't something that can been seen and/or
judged/decided in someone else.
- What you write here are words, which are form.
They are the means for what you want to convey,
which is their content.
Post by PieterIt probably can't be really defined in oneself, either.
The simple way woud be to think (if and when one remembers to) "which
teacher am I followring, which state of Mind am I in?"
Sure, very important!
Post by PieterIf it doesn't feel
like love... peace... One with God, then get into that feeling
place, in any way possible.
Post by PieterTrying to figure out if one (or another) is coming from content or
form probably puts one IN form, just by doing it.
We all come from God, and He is Love. ;-)
Taking this a little further, there's also the question who is deciding
the content or form? Of course, the words are form, and I can believe they
are coming form a content of love (Right Mind/Spirit) but, if the
reader/listener isn't in the same place (but in ego) will he/she perceive
them as a content of love? Or as form?
Form, words, or books, or anything that isn't content, seems to be a
"vehicle" (don't know another word to use, like something to carry it?) for
the content. Just picking up a book like ACIM or the bible, for some people
conveys a content/feeling of Love. Even without reading the actual words.
Or it can, in come cases. So, it's not the words themselves but the feeling
they convey to the reader/listener?
I have thought of that with sheet music. Chopin, for example. We look at
little marks and squiggles on a page (notes and notations) and going by
them, we can recreate what Chopin was feeling, where he was coming from, 200
or so years ago. We can connect with and join with his spirit? When he
first put down the notes on paper (in his time) he was sending a message
into the future to everyone who interprets the notes, plays the music or
listens to it being played. A joiniing in Content, though it seems to be
I don't know if, or how well these things can be put into words. We try
and those who read/hear them come from wherever they are at the time, and to
them it's content (something to join in) or form, something to see from ego
and separate.