Post by TomPost by Angelique BouchardPost by TomI use evidence to draw reasoned conclusions. You use imagination to
make up fantastical ones. These two processes are not synonymous.
PS..Do try to keep your bravado down. If you were as intelligent and
all knowing as you try to claim yourself to be, you would not be on
usenet discussion groups 24/7 claiming yourself to be all knowing.
I would like you to quote any statement of mine in which I claimed to
be all knowing.
You, call "ME", a NUT, based on YOUR "OPINION", of "WHAT ISN'T"!
I CAN "PROVE" what I talk about!
YOU Can't!
mladya, is in a fashion KIN and KNOWS what I MEAN, for the Most Part!
Faeroe and Faerie were among the "12 Tribes" of the Achean League,
The TRIBES OF THE EUNUCH'S, "SETHIAN'S, that is something which "I" Found
ROME, tried to Erase!
That she don't get, but tries anyway!
Something YOU DON'T DO!
However JACOBITES, Do Exist as well!
There are Many "KIN", to that Tribe!
WWII HISTORY in fact talks about the "Boy's Who Wear Skirts, or Lady's of
Hel", and the People they represent!
I found "Why", the BOY's Wear Skirts!
Dyionisis, to Keep a LONG Story short!
NUADA'S "PERFECT BODY" had NOTHING to do with "His Arm"!
LUGH, tells the Story from There!
Lugh's, Great Love, was Bloudwed, most don't get THAT FAR!
If they do it is a "FAIRY TALE" he made Bloudwed from "The Flowers"!
The "Yuezhi", are "The Flowers of Spring and Autumn"!
Totemic Messages built in to the story are there for a reason.
You just can't "See" what they mean, cause they ain't "Talking" to you!
But it still is "MY FAMILY TREE, and scares me far more than anyone else out
Eshu doesn't "WAN'T to Be King!
You want it take it, the people are crazy!
They just Knock People off that Pedestal!
So YOU "Go DO", but Leave ME out of it!
However You fuck up, I will be there to Correct You, "I" am the FIRST BORN!
Why the Clan is Badb of the PEOPLE!
The Lowley Farm Hick who takes the Emperor down, or the Pig who teaches the
King Humility!
Richard the Lionheart, returning as a Peasant, to LEARN the TRUTH from "The
Not your Brotha Billy the Spiritualist LEECHER of the SHEEPLE, "SELLING
But, the "ANGELS" fell to Earth in a SILVER WHEEL, which is Buried in a
Mountainside, and has a Connection to what Ancients called the Rainbow
Bridge, or a Teletransportation System Across the Universe, for one, and the
Other, seems to have the ability of "Time" Travel!
"I" am the Fucking KEY, there, all you gotta do is take a WALK!!
Something so few are ready or willing to do!
Lum of the Hod, take away the Sin's of the World!
Don't know about you but "I" am the Uir of Nanna and Dagda, Born of Sin!
A Trade Mark of my Family is the fact we "CAN" Prove It!
The FACT that the Eponymous of the Yuezhi, and Magh, can Trace there HISTORY
back to the Beginnings is "HISTORICAL RECORD"!
They have Consistently, BLOWN PEOPLE MINDS with it!
The "Fairy Tale Part blew mine, for sure!
Leprechaun's, or "WEE FOLK" "OF THE HOUSE OF ABRAHAM"??
Tuatha De Dannan?
Doc Alfar?
Did you know Leprechaun in Gaelic comes out Lieferic'on!!
In Fact there The VIKING, who went Viking, ON the VIKING, and Kicked their
Ass out of "OUR HOMELANDS"!
Life "AIN'T" all about "Blond Haired, PRETTY PEOPLE"!