Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyI'm trying to see if
you accept what ACIM teaches, or not.
I do accept it. Why would you have to "see" if I do or not? And what
do you base your being able to decide this (about me) on?
I'm asking, not deciding. I can't decide for you, can I ?
Point is, if you DO accept what ACIM teaches, how can you possibly
hold that Truth is whatever any individual makes it to be or believes
it to be ? Do you accept that ACIM does NOT teach anything remotely
like that ?
More like if YOU do accept ACIM and what it teaches, how can you question
or possible try and figure out (or "care") what I, or anyone else believes
or doesn't? The course is clear about it only relating to "me". I am the
one who looks out and sees proof of what I had already decided about
everything and "everyone else". Trying to figure out what I believe (about
the course, or anything) is, I think what the course calls "insanity".
Post by John RadgoskySo, I'm in conflict with what you say and what you claim. You claim
to accept what ACIM teaches and then say completely differently as if
you do not.
Once again, are you perhaps always speaking from the p.o.v. of the
WORLD, forgetting about the world of truth and spirit, and ignoring
what ACIM teaches simply to talk as if you were passing time in a
coffee clutch engaged in idle conversation ?
If this is what you believe the course teaches and that you are living
it (and coming from Right Mind/Spirit) that's all that matters. Who am *I*
just a projection from your mind.
Post by John RadgoskyAnd the reason I ask is, you have been writing in your way for YEARS
and have not changed your stance. You have been stubbornly attached
to the idea that truth is variable and a choice for each person to
make of it whatever he/she chooses. And so I wonder if , FROM AN ACIM
PERSPECTIVE, whether you are deluding yourself and, in the manner of
what and how you write, inadvertently misrepresent what the course
actully teaches.
What does this say about you still trying to make me into something
What is that line "seek not to change the world (or anyone in it) but
change your mind about it"? Why is it so important to you that you see me
different and you have spent as many years trying to make ME different,
while still seeing me the same way.
Post by John RadgoskyThere is something at stake you see. And that is, how is the course
teaching represented in dialogue ? Either it is understood and
portayed well, or it is not. And one never knows whom is listening,
and how ideas are passed.
Post by John RadgoskyDo you think that I WANT something ?
You seem to put so much time and energy into whatever this is. And, as
you say, you've been doing this (off and on) for years. With me and others.
Do you really think (if anyone is listening) YOU are an example of
what ACIM teaches? I mean, really, do you? Is arguing with someone about
ego beliefs and saying they stubbornly refuse to see them your way reflect
what the course teaches?
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyPost by CarrieYour way of seeing something and believing it is right
and anyone who doesn't totally agree with it is wrong?
Do you think ACIM teaches to discern between right and wrong ? Do
you accept that within the frame of ACIM teaching there IS no such
thing. There is only real and unreal. Truth and not truth. Love and
Fear. . Do you agree that according to ACIM the idea of right and
wrong exists in the world, where ego operates. Do you think that
when I write here, in an ACIM forum, I am writing from the basis of
the world, or from the basis of what ACIM teaches about what is
real and what is not. ?
you can't be writing in words, and coming from ACIM and what it
teaches. You have to be coming from ego/form.
So, that's not a valid question.
But isn't ACIM written in words , scribed ,,,, in words ? If not,
explain yourself.
I don't have to explain myself to you, or anyone.
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyPost by CarrieYou seem to put so
much time and energy into trying to get others to see ACIM the way you do.
I'm asking how you see it.
And I have told you over and over for years (as you have pointed out).
You have deicded I should see it the way you do (which I don't even
understand, to me the course isn't about "anyone else" and what they seem to
be believing or doing) and you've been pounding away at this, every few
years, to get me to be whatever it is you think I should be and I'm not.
You can be right and I will be wrong. I don't care, it's not important to
me. It seems very important to you. Did God appoint you to follower me
around trying to save my soul?
Post by John RadgoskyWhy does it matter to you how I see it?
It matters. Do you recall in ACIM the concept about the impact of
thought and words ?
Yes, one's OWN. Not and never "someone else's" It's all about "me" and
not anyone else.
Post by John RadgoskyAll you are seeing is your
perception (based on projection) of what *I* am seeing.
Your take on it.
Not true. I don't know what you see.
I see what you believe I see. And, you don't seem to like what you see
me seeing, for some unknown reason.
So, I am asking. And you
Post by John Radgoskycontinue to be suspicious and defensive about it. You have no need to
be closed about a discussion. After all, isn't that what you
continually claim you look for, discussion ? Well, this is it. A
discussion. And to be frank about it, your ideas confuse me, from the
perspective of what ACIM teaches and the conclusions you draw and
promote. For ... years now ... not just today ... but ... for many
today's come and gone.
Well, I don't understand what you want either. To me the course is self
study about "me" and not changing other people into something I think they
should or shouldn't be.
Post by John RadgoskyI can't impress upon you or anyone how I
Post by John Radgoskysee it. But I do accept there is ONLY one way to see the course,
and that is, the manner in which it is taught. Leading to truth.
So what is the point of all this?
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyWhich is NOT variable. May I assume you see it differently, that
truth is VARIABLE ?
I don't think it's possible to DEFINE Truth, whatever it is, for
anyone else. And, I don't think we have to, or get anything out of trying.
So, why try.
Post by John RadgoskyI have no idea what you are assuming. You are free to assume whatever
you want.
I told you what I'm assuming and then ask whether you agree or not.
Care to attempt an answer ?
This is just going in circles. As it has before. I have told you how I
feel and what I believe and you don't want to hear it. You have something
you apparently want me to say, and I'm not saying it and you can't accept
that. Whatever you want me to believe is okay with me.
What I believe can't possibly have any effect on you, your life and what
you believe.
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyPost by CarrieMaybe they do, maybe they don't, but why does it matter? Where does
it say in it, we have to learn the words, and what they mean (in
some overall absolute way) and make everyone else believe it and
understand it the same way?
Do you agree that one either understands the course, misunderstands
the course, or doesn't understand the course yet, or ever will. There
not a variable option. Do you believe it is ?
Why do you ask me something and then answer it yourself?
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyDo you agree or not , that there is ONLY one way to see truth ? Do
you agree or not that ACIM teaches truth ? Or do you instead chosse
to adhere that ACIM teaches that perception (how each sees it) is
the ojbective of the teaching ?
It might not be the objective of the teaching but it seems to be the
way it is. And if everyone accepted this, there wouldn't be any arguing over
it. The Peace of God is My One Goal is what the course says it's aim as. You
could choose to be peaceful with what you believe and how you see it and let
me (and everyone else) alone. Just allow...
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyPost by CarrieThe real point of this seems to be why does it matter? Just live it
the way you believe it, and "let all things be exactly as they are".
How can one live anything with a false idea of what it is one is to
live by ?
This is your idea that someone else's idea is false. There is nothing
real to base it on. It's judgement and you know what the course says about
Post by John RadgoskyWe either live by the course or we do not. There is no wiggle room.
you happen to be one of the rare gifted highly evolved souls of
course. And
I don't get the feeling that's at play here , is it ?
You have no idea what I am, or I am not. I am only what you
see/perceive me as.
A Teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. I have chosen this,
a few years ago. A personal commitment , choice. If you don't believe this
or see it, well make the choice yourself and you will. You would have to
drop this insane quest to change how you see other people, though.
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyThat's ridiculous, regarding ACIM and it's purpose.
Even if one does not believe ACIM or adhere to its teaching, you are
proposing a free for all. And would you not agree that is a perfect
example of ego minded thinking ? Do you not agree that the course
teaches about how to CHANGE such thinking ?
Post by CarrieThe course says one brother is just as right as another. So you are
right. What more do you wnat? Every last person (or everyone who
posts here or ever will or ever did) to say YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!
I'm more concerned with, in THIS particular forum, what participants
say about the COURSE. And not about who is right or not. Such a
concept of right or not is , would you agree, not the ACIM way ?
Why, have you been elected the ACIM police?
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyPost by CarrieWhy does it really matter? Is what you write coming from love, and
joining and "Holy Spirit" or ego? Do you feel peaceful writing it
Oh yes ma'am I do. Very much so. What leads you to ask such a
question. Is something bothering you in what I write ?
Will you accept I am not searching for right or wrong ? Would you
accept I am discussing what ACIM teaches, not what I want. I know
what I want from an ACIM perspective. And it has nothing to do with
seeking any endorsement from anyone. What I want to know is in ACIM.
Would you agree with that statement ?
Sure.... whatever you said. If you are now happy and at peace.
Post by John RadgoskyI just wondered what you wanted here. To make your views known and
be told "yes you are right" or to join with others in some way.
Seems like we have gone through this many times before. Maybe the
course is something that can't be discussed (in words) and only can
be experienced and shared in nonverbal ways?
I want to participate. I don't WANT anything else.. I simply want
to be here for a while engaged in topics relating to ACIM.
But, seems like all you have been doing is trying to find out what I
believe, and making it wrong.
Which I know, is my project and perception. I try and answer you
honestly and you won't accept it.
If you want to discuss ACIM discuss it, can you do it without
involving me, as a person?
Not that there aren't lessons in this, like everything. For me, it's
knowing when to give up.