2011-05-03 14:24:11 UTC
Aside from the majority who are happy- estatic that Bin Laden (the utimate
enemy- the modern day Hitler) has now been killed, and his body dumped into
the ocean, there are some now who are getting into the "spiritual" thinking
about this. Well, on the so-called "spiritual" groups. They are looking at
it in a different way (or think they are). Of course, this wouldn't be too
popular to write about overall, they'd be called unpatriotic and traitors,
I read on one (supposedly an ACIM group), people being asked to join in
prayers "for Bin Laden" to help him change his mind..
Aside from the fact the person is, we are told -DEAD, do they think that
someone going into Spirit, or whatever (pure positive energy, without a
body) will have a mind that still sees things like we've been told Bin Laden
did, and needs prayers to somehow manipulate him into thinking differently?
According to ACIM (the way I believe it) it would be "my mind" that needs
to change, and not see him as the enemy- out there, the symbol of all that's
bad, and evil and dangerous. In need of HIS mind being changed. If "I AM
responsible for what I see...(etc)" as the course teaches.
Of course, there's also the idea of me changing my mind and not seeing
"others" seeing him as the enemy, and his mind in need of changing. But,
this is just offered here for possible discussion.
So much of it goes on on the "Christian" groups, where prayers are asked
in order to manipulate someone or something a certain way. Like "pray that
my lazy no good son in law takes this job he is offered but doesn't really
want!" (just an example not actual fact (LOL) Like who is to say what
someone else should or shouldn't do, and ask others to join in prayer (mind
control) to somehow push the person into it?
Back to Bin Laden, I once read the story of the scapegoat, as told in
the bible. How back in that time, people would get together once a year, and
symbolically pile their problems and debts and troubles, etc onto a goat...
then drive the goat out into the desert and stone it to death. Getting rid
of all the stuff they didn't want, in a symbolic way. No concern for the
poor goat...
That, supposedly, is how the term "scapegoat" came about.
And seeing enemies, and people "out there" to dump everything we don't
like and feel good about on- symbolically, and then killing them (for real)
seems to still be going on. The course calls this projection. Actually
psychiatry also speaks of it, calling it "transference". Though it doesn't
usually get to the point of actually killing someone, in the material sense.
You see your issues and where you need healing "out there" in someone else,
and at some point, realize this and where the problems really are.
There are probably laws now about doing it to goats.
So many people now feel so much better this one man has been killed
and his body dumped into the ocean. After almost 10 years, and a trillian
dollars, and 42,000 or so Americans killed or wounded, and several countries
destroyed. All for the killing (destroying the body of) this one man.
The world of illusion really is insane.
enemy- the modern day Hitler) has now been killed, and his body dumped into
the ocean, there are some now who are getting into the "spiritual" thinking
about this. Well, on the so-called "spiritual" groups. They are looking at
it in a different way (or think they are). Of course, this wouldn't be too
popular to write about overall, they'd be called unpatriotic and traitors,
I read on one (supposedly an ACIM group), people being asked to join in
prayers "for Bin Laden" to help him change his mind..
Aside from the fact the person is, we are told -DEAD, do they think that
someone going into Spirit, or whatever (pure positive energy, without a
body) will have a mind that still sees things like we've been told Bin Laden
did, and needs prayers to somehow manipulate him into thinking differently?
According to ACIM (the way I believe it) it would be "my mind" that needs
to change, and not see him as the enemy- out there, the symbol of all that's
bad, and evil and dangerous. In need of HIS mind being changed. If "I AM
responsible for what I see...(etc)" as the course teaches.
Of course, there's also the idea of me changing my mind and not seeing
"others" seeing him as the enemy, and his mind in need of changing. But,
this is just offered here for possible discussion.
So much of it goes on on the "Christian" groups, where prayers are asked
in order to manipulate someone or something a certain way. Like "pray that
my lazy no good son in law takes this job he is offered but doesn't really
want!" (just an example not actual fact (LOL) Like who is to say what
someone else should or shouldn't do, and ask others to join in prayer (mind
control) to somehow push the person into it?
Back to Bin Laden, I once read the story of the scapegoat, as told in
the bible. How back in that time, people would get together once a year, and
symbolically pile their problems and debts and troubles, etc onto a goat...
then drive the goat out into the desert and stone it to death. Getting rid
of all the stuff they didn't want, in a symbolic way. No concern for the
poor goat...
That, supposedly, is how the term "scapegoat" came about.
And seeing enemies, and people "out there" to dump everything we don't
like and feel good about on- symbolically, and then killing them (for real)
seems to still be going on. The course calls this projection. Actually
psychiatry also speaks of it, calling it "transference". Though it doesn't
usually get to the point of actually killing someone, in the material sense.
You see your issues and where you need healing "out there" in someone else,
and at some point, realize this and where the problems really are.
There are probably laws now about doing it to goats.
So many people now feel so much better this one man has been killed
and his body dumped into the ocean. After almost 10 years, and a trillian
dollars, and 42,000 or so Americans killed or wounded, and several countries
destroyed. All for the killing (destroying the body of) this one man.
The world of illusion really is insane.