Post by John RadgoskyBut when the purpose or subject matter of the group is organized
around the subject matter of ACIM then no, stupid, all the cross
posting is an enorumous distraction, and a total waste of time, and
it's a really veryt bad idea.
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyPost by John Radgoskyso why don't you just go to a group where the subject is matter is
nothing in particular so you can talk your hair out to your heart's
content and join and communicate till the day you die ? Your
statements on this subject are just stupid. Nothing more to say about
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyAs it is, I just think you don't operate with a full deck of cards
upstairs when it comes to how you comment on this board. That's got
nothing to do with me liking or not liking you.
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyIt's more a matter of tolerating your stubborn patterns. And I have
little patience with that, so that is something I can easily and
readily admit. I hate having to repeat what has been repeated
numerous times with zero impact or effect. And I have zero tolerance
for anyone who completely misunderstands what is being said, even when
it is said precisely, and in 2nd grade languare.
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyThis is a prime example where you show that you cannot read, and how
easily you totally miss the point and turn it into something about
Let me explain it to you in 2nd grade language.
The man did not say you are simple minded.
the man said one approach is simple minded.
You misread that to mean, the man was saying you are simple minded.
you totally misread then misinterpreted what was actually said, then
went public with it and turned it into something it was not.
Did you ever make it through the 3rd grade ? Because this is not a
first for you. It is a pattern. A life pattern as it appears in this
group. you spend so much time writing when you might be better
served by doubling up on the time you spend reading, then add in a
little effort at understanding, then on top of that cutting back at
least 75% on the typing. But most of all make a big effort to
understand what is actually being said.
Good luck with that. Because I bet it won't be easy for you. But do
Now let's all go back to the game of confusing the hell out of each
other .. carry on ...
Post by John RadgoskyPost by John RadgoskyOne has to sift through the haystack to find that occasional pearl of
wisdom. And even if I mix metaphors, occasionally the search is worth
it but for the most part is a wasted endeavor.
It's like being in a virtual nut house.
Just sayin' ....with like an amused anticipation of whose turn is it
today to dribble down their shirt ?
So, this is how you see me, and the newsgroup.
I can't change anyone else, in a direct way, and the course says we can't do
that anyway. Only change our mind about them.
I put some of your latest feedback together in this, and I appreciate you
letting me know this, but now would like to know if you have any suggestions
about what I should/could DO about it?
It's like telling someone "stop being stupid" Now, you have already seen
them as stupid and decided this, could a stupid person then be "smart"? And
even if they could be and were, would you (the person saying this) see it
that way?
The only thing I keep coming up with, with you and your lectures pointing
out my shortcomings, mental capabilities, and flaws is "if that's how you
see it [me] there's nothing I can do to make it different."
Just thinking maybe there is something you could add, instead of all the
negative stuff, YOU think I could do, to be different? Someone you might
then see in a better way?
You seem to put a lot of time, energy and caring into helping me change
into a better person, or what you think that might be. I still have old
emails from 2002 you sent me, maybe thinking you could get through to me
better in a personal and not "on the boards" way.
I seem to frustrate you, or annoy you in some way. But, what would the
course say about this? That it's "never anyone else" and if *I* an annoyed
(or anything) it is in MY MIND and that's the only place it can ever change?
To me, I am just me. If I'm "not playing with a full deck" or can't
read or don't have over a thrid grade education (because you don't
understand, comprehend what *I* write) AS YOU SEE ME, so what? The course
also says something about "as I see [my brother] I will see myself".
You are so interested in keeping this a course-themed group (though to
me, everything is "the course", like where does it stop and something else
start?) what is stopping you from being an example of the course, and
living it (and writing about it in a positive way) yourself?
Unless you have anything helpful and positive (that I could use to
change myself so you might see me in a better way, like not be so mentally
defficient, stupid, and uneducated) I don't know what else there is to write
about. If you have a problem with me (and can't tell me how *I* am
responsible for this and might make it better for you) it's really your